People complaining about the length are so annoying!! The manga quality too-- The author i...

Moop September 20, 2024 4:39 am

People complaining about the length are so annoying!! The manga quality too-- The author is notoriously ill, and updates have often been delayed because of this--

As for the length, please rereaed the first chapter! The author literally says they wanted it to be a long running story!

Finally, im sick and tired of people boiling it down to their romance! its abt kyoko's journey as an actress!! they literally acknowledge this in their confessions? kyoko wants to establish her own career before they start dating?

    Darkhikari September 20, 2024 4:49 am

    Well at least even ill she is Still able to update it monthly so its really great....

    taks24 September 20, 2024 7:14 am

    as someone following this for more than 15 years and have read her series prior this one, I expected that this will run for a long time already. This used to be a twice a month release before it went to monthly release. I'm more surprised with Nakamura-sensei still able to keep up with her schedule considering her health. I don't give a thing about others complaining the art cos I doubt if they can even write something like this that will hook readers and also produce a decent art. Some, if not all, can't afford to support the author by buying their manga. Yes, I do read those released in weekly shounen jumps and yes people still complain for everything. If they read all of the released chapters of the manga in one go, they will definitely notice of how short the whole series. Kyoko's way to stardom is still too far. She's a total newbie, she's really lucky enough that she was casted with famous stars. But as Lori said, "she's a diamond in a rough". She needs polishing. If we think about it, while she has a lot of potential as seen by the artists, she's still not as famous as the other stars. She's like in real life artists who have been in the industry for a decade yet still haven't made big of their name sometimes with the right timing that's when they shone. Readers should be used by Nakamura's sensei's writing by now. She's into details unless these people wanted a timeskip. Then just narrate what happened the end.

    Moop September 20, 2024 8:04 am
    as someone following this for more than 15 years and have read her series prior this one, I expected that this will run for a long time already. This used to be a twice a month release before it went to monthly... taks24

    exactly!! ive been reading for nearly a decade now too, and this is the best way to put it!! nakamura-sensei notoriously BUILDS UP to the next arc... and while i have my qualms with certain aspects, such as the "lotus in the mud" arc, the writing has hardly changed!! evidentally, this recent set of arcs, have all been building up to explore tsuruga ren's character, and his past as kuon-- i dont think others understand this is a vvv important climax in the story!! i can't believe there's a belief that nothings happened these past 20 years, when evidentally, so much is happening in these recent chapters!!