Guy with the glasses and Yuri are both getting on my nerves!!! Just because she stopped ch...

Waffles September 20, 2024 3:17 am

Guy with the glasses and Yuri are both getting on my nerves!!!
Just because she stopped chasing after the guy with the glasses because it got boring doesn't make her any better
They both equally responsible for hurting sanghee!!


    Stardust September 20, 2024 4:51 am

    Yuri is just playing the game, she shouldn’t have come to such a fucked up reality shoq to begin with

    chocobuun September 20, 2024 5:10 am

    I just realized but technically everything yuri did could be considered as playing the game. Yuri technically doesn’t owe anything to sanghee, as they’re just strangers to each other. The whole point of the show is “couple breaker” aka to put the relationship to the test and basically do problematic things for the drama and so the show is entertaining for viewers. Remember that they get tons of points for physical contact with OTHER people. In a way, yuri is doing similar things to taerin. Except we all know taerin is doing things for revenge. Yuri may be doing it for the money/fame. Both yuri and taerin have done physical contact with other men to win points and have “pretended” to flirt with the dudes.

    Sanghee should really only be mad at her supposed fiancé. The fiancé is in the wrong because he lies to her and actually is cheating, and not doing it for the points.

    Spazzz September 20, 2024 5:52 am

    Both responsible? Sure. EQUALLY responsible? Hellll no, glasses guy holds 10x more responsibility