
Phime September 20, 2024 4:41 am


Now I'm not trying to start fights, but this is why I hate religion. It teaches people to fear, other, and oftentimes harm or even so much as kill what people haven't already wrapped up in a neat little bow. Their religion doesn't explain how something works? KILL IT!/HARM IT!/ END IT!

I'm going to reiterate what I had said. For the sake of posterity I'm going to keep up what I originally posted above. I want people to see what the initial 22 and 1 , along with the comments before my interjection were reacting to.

I am unwell and was very tired and kinda upset with what if just read when I posted. Not ALL religions do this, just all Abrahamic, and most non-Abrahamic religions do. Is it different? It's the devil/demons/whatever other bad things people can conjure in their minds and it needs to be erased, most usually in the worst way imaginable.

Most religions teach people that if something is different from a straight laced, Caucasian, CIS gendered, straight man, with a good fearing, vanilla wife (ie women, trans people, gay people... You know what let's just throw in the entire LGBT spectrum; even white men with anything but English ancestry, practically translucent peach colored skin, with beliefs that deviate AT ALL from the “norm” [despite that literally being ALL people as everyone's religion is what they themselves believe]...etc.)

Basically, prejudice that is unwarranted (I mean yeah, it makes sense to be prejudiced against things like people who are proud to be pedos, people proud of their homophobia or that they are physically violent against women, people who are proud Nazis... Just to name a few, but they weren't just born into those situations.

For the most part those were choices (some previous can't help how they feel, but they can help how they feel about how they feel and every single action taken in its name).

My overall point is that SO many religions with SOOOOO many followers have knowingly and infamously hurt those they believed to be different, in the name of their religion. And that is absolute bullshit!

    Sulkiyu September 20, 2024 1:45 am

    Not rlly, some do tho. Don’t generalize religion just bc one religion does not fit your morals.

    poop September 20, 2024 1:59 am
    Not rlly, some do tho. Don’t generalize religion just bc one religion does not fit your morals. Sulkiyu

    at the end of the day humans have done much more harm than good in the name of religion

    thatsperiod925 September 20, 2024 2:52 am
    at the end of the day humans have done much more harm than good in the name of religion poop

    Clock it.

    Moop September 20, 2024 4:42 am
    at the end of the day humans have done much more harm than good in the name of religion poop

    and many do harm with no particular rhyme or reason- good and bad exists outside of religion-- certain crime is naturally attributed to religion, but it's a bit rude to denounce such a vast belief-- shintoism, christianity, islam, judaism, and buddhism are all way too different to even compare, much less generalize.

    Phime September 20, 2024 4:44 am


    Phime September 20, 2024 4:49 am
    and many do harm with no particular rhyme or reason- good and bad exists outside of religion-- certain crime is naturally attributed to religion, but it's a bit rude to denounce such a vast belief-- shintoism, ... Moop

    I made an addendum. Also, being that the man said demons, it leads one to Bellerive is Christianity or something similar.

    Phime September 20, 2024 4:49 am
    and many do harm with no particular rhyme or reason- good and bad exists outside of religion-- certain crime is naturally attributed to religion, but it's a bit rude to denounce such a vast belief-- shintoism, ... Moop
