Just my understanding to this

Hugu September 20, 2024 12:02 am

Base on my understanding. If your still confuse this might help.
These are the characters screen name in avle
Mc - Beduro/Peter 1
Lee ho - Peter 2
ML - Nero
MC's ex-partner - Philip

Aight. Base on my understanding could be right could be wrong.

Current chapter mc asked if Philip's death was suicide or murder by Lee ho. Lee ho then denied this saying if it was murder then he should also have died in the process. Then Lee ho then explained why Philip became insane like now. Philip had a fued with Beduro(mc) in avle leading to Beduro not film with him anymore and taking a break. Lee ho then was asked to take a AV with Philip to be his new partner, but Philip didn't show up in the shooting but someone else did pretending to be Philip.

After that incident Lee ho went to a birthday party hosted by Avle(not sure but there were other av actors so might be) with other actors then he opened a wrong room leading to him to see the original Philip being drugged and graped on. Lee ho then discovered the rabbit hole of avle named Sodom, so avle blackmails their previous porn stars when they retire or be of no use they make them work in Sodom where they are meant to be the rich people who finance avle toys, Lee ho then talked to Philip, and Philip blamed Beduro (mc) for his circumstances in Sodom, since Beduro outed his stalking and violent behavior to Avle and refused to be partners again, due to that Philip was black mailed to giving services in Sodom. Lee ho then told him that Philip didn't show up to his and Philip's shoot blowing the chance for Philip to be paired to a new AV actors other that Beduro. Philip then begged for help to escape Sodom.

Lee ho then asked young jee to help him find Beduro/peter and know Avle, that's why in the first chapters young jee (ML) was pestering Mc to sleep with him so he'd know about avle and help Lee ho, but he didn't know anything about Sodom so Young Jee ended up signing a contract with Avle as Nero.

Lee Ho then asked Mc to hide cause Mc asked to stop being an AV actor in avle so most likely Avle will hunt him down and make him work in Sodom like what they did to Philip.

So far that how I understand it
