I don’t think your superpower. I think we’re supposed to see it is like destiny kind of like giving it a kick in the ass maybe the goddess of love it was random, but it wasn’t bad. It was good for the short that it was. I don’t think that part meant to be understood. I think that part was just For the sexy stuff and Is a plot device to show you why he kept pushing him away at first he didn’t understand that he thought it was for his own good and he was a little scared of his own feelings

Mhm mhm ok so what I'm hearing is that your dululu the author just put panels in so that they could make a childhood friend trope and draw sex scenes, there isn't a goddess of love in this book it's just a horny author that's doing what they want cause they can and believe me I'm not hating, they getting their bag fr.
Someone else give me another argument with your opinion.
Boi what da hell did I just read it's like the author realized that they have the free will to make whatever they want because the story didn't even make since like what kind of superpowers does homie have and don't get me wrong the characters are cute but whatever just happened before my eyes sure wasn't because I was skeptical as hell.
If you wanna argue your opinion go ahead.