I don't feel satisfied. In the end Rash at was a pitiful idiot that never should have been...

CacahuateEstornudo September 19, 2024 7:15 pm

I don't feel satisfied. In the end Rash at was a pitiful idiot that never should have been given power. Who I want to see suffer is Sovieshu.
All is his fault. He threw and unstable and idiotic young woman in the middle of court life. At first most of rashta's Eros came from being uneducated, and the she escalated. But all could have been avoided if it wasn't for Sovieshu. She isn't tarnishing the empire's reputation, Sovieshu did by putting her in the position he put her. He is the asshole who deserves to be hanged, no the fool. Because at the end Rashta was n absolute idiot who didn know better and was a fool. But Sovieshu? He knew better. He doesn't even have to excuse of NEEDING to do anything. He was an emperor with the best life he could have, he neglected all his duties and responsibilities. He failed his wife and his nation. Rashta was a slave he picked up and put into the empress position. Of course a slave would have taken the opportunity, she was desperate. The one truly yo blame is Sovieshu. I want guillotine for him

    BabybluePam September 20, 2024 12:08 am

    I'm sorry but rashta is not innocent