is this a good time to start this story?

wkb September 19, 2024 6:25 pm

is this a good time to start this story?

    ezra September 19, 2024 6:36 pm

    hmm, in my opinion i can say yes, you could start reading it now.
    do you want spoilers on why? or did my answer convince you

    wkb September 19, 2024 6:38 pm
    hmm, in my opinion i can say yes, you could start reading it now. do you want spoilers on why? or did my answer convince you ezra

    nah i js want to know if there's any important arc goin on rn or if we're at a cliffhanger atm?

    ezra September 19, 2024 6:49 pm
    nah i js want to know if there's any important arc goin on rn or if we're at a cliffhanger atm? wkb

    hmm i think most of the important stuff has been taken care of, mc found some things abt his past that may be connected to his current life/situation in the newest chapters and i think thats gonna be the start of him finding more things about his past. i dont think theres a current cliffhanger but there might be some in the future chapters