brah I loved lai and hector but they really just ended it like that😭
I totally started zoning out by the end but it wasn’t bad. The story was ...
Currently stopping at 29 because i feel like the build up is pretty much no...
This was a good read for my current mood swings though I will never read so...
I locked in and read till ch50 and so far, I didn't find anything lacking or confusing in this story. I like that the story doesn't straight up spoonfeed and explain shit to you through narration instead you gotta pay attention to what the characters are talking about or doing to figure it out AND THE PLOT GOES HARD!! everything started making sense starting from around ch40. it's already a solid 9/10 for me overall. I love the main cast especially Lai and Hector, all the things Hector did to keep Lai safe...sigh i love him. the art is pretty as well. let's see if it goes to my favorites list (it is most likely im already deeply invested and attached so i don't think even a rushed ending can stop it) EDIT: okay just finished and yep definitely a lot of things left unsaid and a rushed ending which makes me a little sad i cried when it just... THAT? anywho I still loved Hector and Lai A LOT, too much. Hector the man you are, I want someone as devoted as him so bad