SO worth dropping this!

levipleasecallmeback September 19, 2024 3:59 pm

i think anyone with some form of media literacy will see rashta isn’t as awful yall made her out to be in the beginning. even now the takes i see are just as bad as when this was barely released. she was a slave desperate to leave her awful conditions, wanted to save her child, and couldn’t have autonomy unless she married someone who had higher standing than her “owner”

while i get she turned really awful down the line (no one excuses that), who could blame her for being a mistress to a king that could be her only salvation lmao? tbh it’s weird how there’s majority sympathy for navier when rashtas main sin was not being the mc. if she was, her perspective on things would’ve made a lot more sense. sorry but being cheated on while having a high social standing, any marriage partner of equal status, and an education/any resources since birth is WORLDS BETTER than being born a poor, uneducated, and blackmailed slave. whenever i read the comments down here i felt gaslit lmao
