Warning About Cyberstalking
Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right September 20, 2024 6:53 pm is a cyberstalker.
I want to bring attention to an ongoing issue of cyberstalking in this community. Cyberstalkers often impersonate others and spread misinformation to manipulate and harass individuals. Please be vigilant when interacting with users and verify their identities. If you suspect someone is engaging in cyberstalking or impersonation, and avoid engaging with them. Your safety and well-being are important!

Warning About Cyberstalking
[TM joined on 1/26/20] September 23, 2024 8:40 pm is a cyberstalker. Look at the profiles. Two different people with two different accounts.
As the real [TM joined on 1/26/20] said.
I want to bring attention to an ongoing issue of cyberstalking in this community. Cyberstalkers often impersonate others and spread misinformation to manipulate and harass individuals. Please be vigilant when interacting with users and verify their identities. If you suspect someone is engaging in cyberstalking or impersonation, and avoid engaging with them. Your safety and well-being are important!
PS TM knows Jinx isn’t rape. The cyberstalker is spreading falsehoods. TM has thinks Jinx is dull too.

The one you are responding to is the cyberstalker pretending to be the target spreading falsehoods to make the target look bad as they harm everyone. If you look at the profiles, there are four different accounts but the three people since that is the same cybestalker with two profiles to target us.
It is easy to tell the cyberstalkers from the targets as the targets will not harm you and the cyberstalkers mock and harass anyone as they spread falsehoods.

It is funny how OP was agreeing with you on their point then when you warned them about the cyberstalkers they are calling you delusional when they have the evidence right in front of them.
Then they suggested something that wouldn’t help. That is what they want and it doesn’t protect others to falling victim.
I’d love seeing all this ruckus for other titles like Champagne and Roses, BWT’s stories and other BLs
Arguing over Jinx while you have worse titles in your favourites it’s really funny