Shit makes me feel like shit

chocobuun September 19, 2024 5:36 am

Damn this has gotta be one of the rare cases where I don’t find the side character female childhood friend, annoying. Honestly no one in this story is considered a bad person. Sousuke himself isn’t bad and is in the center of it. The only negative I’d give him, is that as soon as his childhood friend confessed, it’s like their friendship kinda evaporated? Like he didn’t seem to care much afterwards even as she was gonna move overseas, despite spending so many years as friends with her. FL, I surprisingly couldn’t feel much sympathy for. Usually I would root for the FL since they’re the main character, but both sousuke and FL’s feelings for each other seemed pretty light in my opinion. Sure there’s a bunch of “romantic” scenes between them, but maybe it’s how they easily liked each other since chapter 1. So it felt like there was no actual build up and more like puppy love. Especially on sousuke’s part, since I honestly didn’t see any part on how he ended up liking the FL. It felt like it was more curiosity to someone new, or like he said, a girl he can’t seem to leave alone.
On the other hand, I felt SO BAD for the childhood friend, chiho. I think it’s cause within the first chapter, FL noticed chiho liked sousuke. FL didn’t have to ask her straight up, so she wouldn’t feel as guilty- but she DID ask chiho if she liked him. So now chiho KNOWS FL is aware of her crush. And it’ll just be more complicated after it feels like FL went after the guy she likes while knowing about her crush. Of course, I know just cause ppl are childhood friends, there’s no obligation to love each other back. But despite me not even able to relate to chiho since I never had a childhood friend and never liked a friend- I could put myself in her shoes, and out of all of them, I would say chiho is hurt the most. She basically is alone, losing the childhood friend, crush, and newest friend she made. Whereas FL got two dudes liking her and still had support from one of the guy’s, so it wasn’t like she was hurting 24/7.

I give props to FL for TRYING to resist her own feelings. But realistically, if it were me, I would’ve distanced myself as soon as I knew chiho’s feelings so it would’ve been way easier to get rid of any feelings for the boy. It obviously would get worse since FL chose to stay close friends with them. Realistically I could never get with ANY man my friends like. I would never be able to get over my guilt if I did. It just means that FL valued her own feelings over the friendship, since in the end they didn’t even stay as close of friends anyway. Anyways, this definitely felt like the feelings were not that deep and at most puppy love. I don’t even remember if either sousuke or FL knew much about each other. With every scene of FL and sousuke, they had extremely short conversations. Out of all of them, chiho felt like she had the deepest feelings with all those flashbacks included.

    leiah56 September 27, 2024 4:38 pm

    I totally agree you with that. This is what I felt tbvh...