Idk is it just me that misses old pumpkin night?

FindCherry September 19, 2024 5:28 am

Tbh this was such a fun read when it was her against the bullies that then transitioned into him finishing the job (forgot both their names lol)
I tried reading after that but honestly it just stopped becoming a regular killer story because honestly the whole reason I enjoyed it so much was because it reminded me of the good ol’ days of creepypasta, but then apparently the pumpkin knight is a spirit and it’s not just them losing their minds over trauma and she comes back to life and it’s just…. What?
It stopped being a killer revenge story from a couple who experienced hardcore trauma which honestly felt realistic in a way to now an unrealistic power fantasy that never ends and is just nonstop gorey.
Like now they’re just killing to kill which is like nice and all I guess (give me some credit here, there isn’t much I can compliment it on without sounding like a psychopath)
But I feel like it misses that “oh she has to kill these guys I wonder how she does it” or “I wonder what happened to her to make her go crazy at that” and gasping at the unique ways she kills her bullies and honestly the way she passed away while fantasizing with the boy about what life could’ve been like without the bullies was kinda cute
Just kinda disappointed as to what it became. Hell I’ll even reread the earlier parts but I can’t get passed the whole supernatural stuff and the weird pedophilia doctor

    FindCherry September 19, 2024 5:31 am

    I would’ve LOVED it if it ended right after all the bullies died and the boy avenged her and then maybe have side stories of their couple life if they never got bullied as WELL as a few side stories of them both being pumpkin night together because ngl after seeing his pumpkin design I dreamed of seeing them being a killer couple just making snarky comments and jokes while doing unique kills and stuff but this is definitely not the way I thought this would go lol