Sister in law is a pedo

Seokjin September 19, 2024 2:40 am

I still don’t like the sister in law. She literally raped Ryuu at that point because he was in middle school. MIDDLE SCHOOL. While she was probably an adult dating his brother. Idk how she can just brush off cheating on her boyfriend/ husband with his underage brother. Her entire morals system needs to evaluated. And the manga kinda just brushed over it like it’s not straight molestation…

Other than that cursed woman, the whole manga was super cute and fluffy. They’re really meant for each other and im so glad they got their own story

    Peachyblue September 22, 2024 4:04 pm

    Right!! Like his mom too doesn't seem to care much for him and I like how they atleast brought it up that he undervalues himself because he's always taken for granted. But I wish they really addressed it, like you matter and that it's not easy to be brought up in such an environment. How it fucks with you in general (maybe how he shows love or feels is affected by it) Because I love dthe fact that they didn't gloss over Ayumu's attack and how that stayed with him because it's a traumatic event. So I wish Idk they kinda addressed it (maybe it might have been too much for a light read fluffy story) but if you're introducing such plot points then commit to it :'0

    Seokjin September 23, 2024 10:27 pm
    Right!! Like his mom too doesn't seem to care much for him and I like how they atleast brought it up that he undervalues himself because he's always taken for granted. But I wish they really addressed it, like ... Peachyblue

    Yess!! I totally agree. The fact that they took Ayumu’s incident very seriously and in the prequel they also were very serious about assault made me kinda upset they ignored Ryuu’s situation. And that woman straight up uses Ryuu and it literally fucks him up mentally… not only is it bad that she used him as a fling, she keeps on calling him to keep her company bc she doesn’t wanna bother her husband??? As i said, her entire morals system needs a hard reset. She should fix her own problems with her husband instead of continuing to take advantage of Ryuu. And I just can’t imagine the pressure Ryuu feels having to keep such a giant secret from his own brother. He literally moved out bc he was so uncomfortable… the ending of this manga definitely felt so rushed bc the sil took such a giant portion of it for unnecessary drama…