I think it’s a learning moment though.
For me personally all of those stuff was common sense as early as 15 y/o or as soon as I discovered kink. But I met my fair share of people who had been very irresponsible. So in a way I’m glad the author is showing what *not* to do.
Although there’s still a lot that is still done wrong without being pointed out.
It does seem like the author is very inexperienced themselves lol

I dont know about that. Theres a few times where the main character meets and begins friendships with peoppe who are vets of Kink and a few times they do repremend our MC, but then during the most critical incident there is alot of these characters making excuses for the mc. I think that pared with our MCs dangerous behaviour with their love ontrest, its just really concerning.

That’s that’s exactly what I was referring to when I said there’s still a lot of wrong being done without being pointed out as wrong. This is absolutely not a guide, (and manhwa should never be used as such anyways) but rather, exactly what *not* to do.
It made no sense when daisy was pressuring min joo to forgive her after the locking him up stunt for example.
And I’m glad he was very clear with how she crossed a line.
Like I said the author is clearly inexperienced in kink and BDSM relationships. This was never meant to be a guide. Just a story for the sake of story. But there are many people I’ve seen out there who have similar misconceptions as MC if not worse. So it’s still a good learning moment for a young adult starting their ventures that is.
Im so angry reading this manga but i cant atop. It just feels like the mc has noooo consept of safety or how 'dominating' somone could be harmful.'i thoight for sure aftwr her scare with the onlone creep,she would have some insight but oh my god.