Funny how you read it from the start yet seems to forget to read those chapters where the princess was taught? And what's wrong with her filing an objection for "injustice"? So if you met a person with a sad back story, and fought him/her fair and square, you also got perfect and the first one to passed the exam paper, and you got 2nd place? You will just gonna keep quite about it?
Young toddler, you must think before you blab nonsensical things about that. No matter what place you got, if you do your best and you think you have rights to object, DO IT. No matter who you will gonna face, DO IT. Because in this world, no one will fight for your rights but you, ONLY YOU. You are not a princess, not a royal blood, you might don't have the saddest background, you mught not sickly, you might not rich nor the poorest, but if you know someone is trying to violate your rights, FIGHT FOR IT. What happened with toddlers now adays? All talk no bite?

Hello there d_ck.simp, a funny name for someone trying to sermon someone possibly younger than them.
Anyways, I know she was taught by her mentor but I was pointing out how these stories never bother discussing or mentioning any difference they have with our world regarding curriculum. The protagonists just excel at almost everything and they usually solve complex problems without using calculators. Even my engineering friends always have a calculator or some system to calculate things for them.
About the injustice, no one said not to fight for injustice. If you read the following sentences and had some reading comprehension, you might have found out that I was criticizing the author for how they painted the situation. In the original story, Yuri should have won that olympiad if the protagonist wasn’t there. It’s even hilarious how while the protagonist recognized who Yuri was, the protagonist brushed her off as someone insignificant (“She didn’t have a major role in the original work.”). Where’s the justice for Yuri? Now with their involvement, not only did the protagonist jeopardize Yuri’s right for that 1st place they also potentially put Yuri and her family in danger. And now we have our protagonist fight for her justice? It’s ironic. After the protagonist gets her justice, she will save Yuri from the predicament she created and Yuri will find the protagonist her savior.
What a wholesome and great ending that teaches us that it’s ok to steal someone’s achievement as long as you save them in the future! /s (in case you didn’t get it)

1. FL didn't steal anyone's achievement. She earned it.
2. Sure this story doesn't talk about the differences between our curriculum and their world curriculum but there are manhwas that do mention it. I can't mention any from the top of my head but the most significant difference in it is History. The history of their world differs from our world. As for maths, it's the same in some worlds while for others they don't even have the concept of 0 which our MC has to introduce.
3. Girl, you just said FL brushed off Yuri as insignificant. Then how did you want her to react? To fawn over her, saying how amazing she is? Become her bestie or something?
4. How the heck did she put Yuri and her family in danger? Also, it's not like the FL is meaninglessly participating in the competition.
Tbh, to me you sound like those character in manhwas who force the MCs to follow the original plot even if their ending in the original plot is bad.

1. Right, she earned 1st place in this timeline because she participated in it (after getting tutored by a great mentor and having her past life memory) which should’ve been Yuri’s if she wasn’t there.
2. Uhh… I don’t understand why you’re bringing up a potential manhwa (but no title) that does mention differences when I am specifically speaking about those that don’t, like this one. Also, the history of another world would be obviously different. Again, I don’t understand why you’re bringing up irrelevant/obvious information. You guys love to ignore the fact that I’m mostly talking about the curriculum that involves solving equations (mathematics, geometry, and physics) and the protagonist solving them WITHOUT a calculator.
3. Fawning over Yuri wasn’t even the point since the protagonist complimented Yuri multiple times, which I stated in my original post. Can you even READ? I mentioned her brushing off Yuri as insignificant to emphasize that the author tries to justify the protagonist taking 1st place instead of Yuri. The whole development reads, “Yeah she’s just a minor poor character that doesn’t impact the story so it shouldn’t matter if I take away the 1st place that was hers originally and earn myself some money!” The protagonist lacks empathy or even a sense of what she’s doing to Yuri. She’s there complementing and hyping Yuri up just to beat her and take 1st place. In other words, she’s a fake “friend.”
4. I will confess, this is just a prediction of the future chapters. However, the protagonist does paint that Yuri and her family are dependent on the duke’s sponsorship, like foreshadowing future events. If Yuri loses 1st place (despite getting a perfect score), the duke and little brat will be disappointed and angry and will likely punish Yuri for losing to the “useless” princess. Later, the protagonist will save Yuri in this situation and might also be Yuri’s new sponsor and savior. I guess it’s alright as long as everything ends well, right? We will just have to wait.
I am not sure why you’re assuming that; you’re not the only one frustrated by those protagonists who insist on following the original story and fumbling. It is just frustrating that the protagonist is POTENTIALLY creating a problem that they will somehow solve and be the hero to the victim. Moreover, it is not like she has it bad, she has already changed the story and become adored and loved.

This was cut for some reason:
For someone reading on a place that some writers have been fighting against for their justice, It must be nice to have your “justice” speech today, huh? Don’t even try to teach someone about justice or anything at all if you’re just going to belittle and call them a toddler. It makes you sound narcissistic and delusional, so insufferable to talk to.
Before you get started on criticizing me for being here as well, I don’t care about them. I’ll continue to read here until its gone, leave my opinions on the many stories I will read, and maybe even take my time to respond to hypocrites like you.
Lastly, you’re QUITE a lame adult who doesn’t even know the difference between quiet and quite.

Well, there’s more to it than that. But to answer your question, it’s a little bit of both but more on the latter. There are many ways for her to earn money without sabotaging someone’s scholarship. For example, she could collaborate with her mentor and many others to create a piece of our modern technology to further show to more people she’s not just a “useless” princess. Or anything that the author can be creative about instead of this plain development. But just to be clear, I’m not saying she needs to turn a blind to the discrimination/injustice she experienced. Hell, as someone who also competed in some olympiad, I would be the first on those professors’ faces if I learned that I should have been 1st place

...I really want the princess to take the math genius, there she could be treated well. And Yuri's essential for the future plot developments. It's better to have a safe and secured future in the palace than stay with the sponsor... that's what I think...
And the intellectual propertyyyyyyy I'm so excited for karin to faceslap(not literally) those unfair bastards.

https://www.novelupdates.com/series/i-was-just-having-fun-with-the-time-limit/#comment-426887 up until ch 55, I wish her happiness!

Pre-university and university math course most often focus on "demonstration". So, being able to perform well without a calculator is not that impressive. It is expected to some extent. I remember my days as a middle schooler, we were not that reliant on calculators unless it was a Physics/Chemistry class. In my stat class, we would use the calculator/excel because the math do be done is not efficiently demonstrable and will most likely be run by an empirical program like Python or Excel. So yah. Math without calculator is pretty basic. I am not saying that as nerd, I am saying that as person who went through system. We were even able to solve matrix without calculator. No matter how complex equations are, at the end of the day, you'll end up doing addition, soustraction, multiplication and division. It's the same all over again just with letters and funny formatting.

Don’t worry, you’re not bursting anyone’s bubble. Indeed, many university math exams do not require calculators because they’re usually made simple because of time restrictions.
HOWEVER, did you even look at how the artist portrayed the test? It is a complex geometry problem, there’s no way you can solve that without a calculator. That is not your typical sin(90-degree) type of exam. Moreover, look at the problem the protagonist solved in chapter 31. It looks like some kind of a field equation which again you can’t solve without a calculator because of constants being either extremely small numbers like the G (Newtonian constant of gravitation) or big like c (speed of light).
What exactly does “…their math is pretty ‘affordable’ given the MC's current knowledge.” even mean?
While I understand you mentioning your university math experiences because of their complexity of some level, I don’t understand your point for bringing up how it’s not impressive to not use a calculator when the protagonist somehow solved a field equation problem WITHOUT a calculator. What she did is quite impressive IF it was real.
“…we were not that reliant on calculators unless it was a Physics/Chemistry class.”
Exactly, one of the problems the protagonist solved is a physics problem that requires a calculator.
“Math without calculator is pretty basic”
Except, the test the protagonist took is far from basic.
“No matter how complex equations are, at the end of the day, you'll end up doing addition, soustraction, multiplication and division. It's the same all over again just with letters and funny formatting.”
While it’s true that you will mainly use those applications, that doesn’t necessarily mean a calculator wouldn’t be necessary. There are factors such as fractions/decimals, angles, radicals, etc that will make calculations difficult without a calculator. Well, I guess you won’t need one if you’re given a SIMPLE exam where everything simplifies perfectly or where you don’t have to simplify your answer (exact number).

It’s important to recognize that while some math problems can appear simple, they can also be quite complex. Unlike computers that can solve hundreds of calculations in a minute, humans typically require more time. The demonstration of these problems remains inherently complex.
Alluding that she couldn’t do it without a calculator is, frankly, preposterous. Throughout history, humans have repeatedly solved intricate mathematical problems using nothing more than pen, paper, and their intellect. Great mathematicians like Archimedes, Gauss, Newton, and Euler solved intricate problems long before calculators existed. They relied on deep understanding, practice, and logic to achieve groundbreaking results, showing that complexity alone does not make calculations impossible without modern tools. Many advanced mathematical formulas were developed long before calculators existed. Without simpler, efficient formulas, our understanding today would be vastly different.
In math, demonstrating the process is often more important than reaching a final number. Regarding constants, we often either had a formula sheet or were provided the constant values directly. Constants are often left in symbolic form, and the focus is on the structure of the solution rather than simply plugging in values.
The main character's (MC) math is described as "affordable" because it aligns with her level of knowledge. Though complex, it is within her grasp given her education and experience. When I refer to “affordable math,” I mean it is accessible or manageable within the context of the main character's (MC's) knowledge.
I have pointed out that such achievements may not seem impressive because they are expected. If someone teaches you how to solve a problem, successfully solving it isn’t totally remarkable—it’s anticipated. Still praiseworthy, but not as impossible as you may wish to make it sound. My critique is not on her accomplishments but rather on the exaggerated characterization (as implausible) of what she achieved.
Additionally, we should acknowledge the rigorous educational systems in countries like South Korea, Japan, and China, which stress strong foundational math skills, mental arithmetic, and problem-solving techniques. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) indicates that regions such as Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore, Japan, and South Korea consistently rank highly in global math assessments. This highlights a significant level of math proficiency among students in these areas. I’m not attempting to stereotype but rather to emphasize that these educational systems are highly effective.
The MC’s abilities are believable because she was already skilled in math before being trained by one of the brightest minds of her new world. Historically, people like Archimedes and Gauss achieved remarkable mathematical feats with far fewer resources, and there is no reason why someone with modern knowledge and good teaching couldn’t do the same. Complex math is entirely doable without calculators for those with proper training and understanding.
Consider the context of my earlier statement: “as a middle schooler.” In contrast, I noted that pre-university and university math courses often focus on demonstration. Think critically about this. Is middle school math more challenging than pre-university and university math? While both contexts may involve calculations without calculators, it is generally at the discretion of teachers or professors to allow calculators.
You noted that “the test the protagonist took is far from basic.” Yes and my point remains that performing math without a calculator is relatively basic (especially if well-taught); it’s simply “math without a calculator.” Given her strong mathematical background, I find her accomplishments entirely believable. I’ve won a few math competitions and ranked nationally in high school; thus, her achievements do not seem far-fetched.
It seems perplexing that one would question the abilities of a well-versed mathematician, especially someone with a proven acumen in math, merely because she can solve complex problems without a calculator. To suggest that her achievements are implausible doesn't say much about her talent; instead, it exposes a lack of confidence or understanding. Mathematicians throughout history, from Archimedes to Euler and Gauss, tackled sophisticated problems without the convenience of calculators. These individuals were not superhuman—they developed extraordinary mathematical insight through rigorous study, practice, and logical reasoning. To doubt that a modern individual, taught by one of the brightest minds of their era, can achieve similar feats reveals a misunderstanding of both historical precedent and the capabilities of the human mind when nurtured properly.
Finally, you said "I also wish they showed the mc studying prior and learning the curriculum is somewhat different but uses similar concepts and learn those differences." Girl literally learned Magic. I mean, did you skip chapters? Because she had her training pre and post-reincarnation.
So yes, I was and am still bursting your bubble.

You’re right, it is not impossible to calculate such complex problems but will take a tremendous amount of time which the manhwa didn’t portray properly. In this case, we don’t know how much time they were given and how much of the allotted time the main character (MC) used to complete the test.
Yes, demonstrating the process is often more important than solving for the final number, especially for learning and for tests that are restricted in time. However, that point collapses in this particular scenario as the MC calculated 311934 m/s, meaning she made manual computations with those constants.
My critique was never about doubting the MC’s level of knowledge but rather about the feeling of the absurdity of the situation in a manhwa like this where the MC and the other children are taking a complex and time-consuming test without a calculator. But from all this discussion about solving the test with or without a calculator (advance), I realized that calculators are potentially not available yet in this new world and they had no choice but to manually compute everything like the great mathematicians you listed. Thus, I’ll admit that my bubble burst.
My comment, “I also wish they showed the MC studying prior and learning the curriculum is somewhat different but uses similar concepts and learn those differences.” is often misunderstood because I wasn’t clear enough. I acknowledge the MC studied but I had hoped there was emphasis that there were differences between our worlds in terms of curriculum. The MC said, “Anyone in the science track in South Korea could solve this easily.” this threw me off since it implied that the test questions she saw were similar to questions seen in our world. I wanted the questions to be about what she learned in this new world. I wanted her to emphasize the concepts she learned with Karin and her preparations specifically for the Olympiad and not just her general studies which we all saw.

It’s crucial to remind ourselves that many talented and hardworking individuals achieve what might seem "out of the ordinary."
Your statement about how “it will take a tremendous amount” of time is your interpretation. I suggested that modern tools can expedite calculations, especially in terms of quantity. Your belief that she may require more time doesn't align with the story's premise, which presents a genius shaped by talent and hard work. Sometimes, you need to think outside your own box. Some people excel without needing extra time or even calculators; they simply fit the definition of a genius.
Regarding "MC calculated 311934 m/s"—so what? The significance lies in the demonstration, which is so crucial that her results were scrutinized due to her methods. They argued in bad faith; Still, from my experience, I voluntary dropped a math course for similar reasons. Despite my results being correct, the teachers refused my approach, reduced my grade, since it was not "as I taught ", which I found really insulting, especially for such a respectable University. I redid the course with a more open-minded professor and slayed my way there. So, yah, congrats for getting the correct number, odds are you might still get 0 points. Furthermore, have you seen competitions for fast mental calculation? Participants use tactics to manipulate numbers quickly in their minds. As we do written ones, having paper to draft on is a bonus. Manual calculations with constants aren’t revolutionary; as I mentioned, we either had a formula sheet or were given constant values directly. Occasionally, we memorize key constants, like knowing pi, and one of my friends even memorized pi to ten digits for fun. Ultimately, demonstration leads to intelligible calculations, on most often a number. My High and Middle school teachers used to follow this pattern "I grade your result only 25%, and 75% for the actual work to get there".
I already stated that "my critique is not on her accomplishments but on the exaggerated characterization of what she achieved" as if it was "implausible". I highlighted the MC's capabilities to support that her achievements are "affordable", within her reach, making them plausible.
I don’t find this situation absurd. While I may not have studied to become a magician and am unfamiliar with its intricacies, I know that it is rooted in logic. I’ve participated in math competitions (pretty basic to be honest) and am aware of even more challenging ones for younger participants. Consider rigorous competitions like the AMC, MOEMS, IMO, MathCounts, APMO, KMO, and MTS—no calculators are allowed, and they involve kids. These could be quite challenging even for undergraduate students.
The statement, “Anyone in the science track in South Korea could solve this easily,” stands on its own. Let your imagination roam. Some chapters feature characters babbling theories, which I find off-putting (personal opinion here). If I wanted to learn actual math, I'd refer to my dusty textbooks or pursuing additional certifications instead of wading through countless pages of pseudo-science dialogue. Still, I acknowledge your valid critique; we may simply have differing opinions on the matter. Personally, I appreciate that the author didn’t dwell too long on these discussions, considering that the MC has a short lifespan, which might lose the interest of plot-focused readers.
I’ve heard of Atelier (manga) and its focus on witchcraft. I understand that the theorization is quite elaborate, so you might find that intriguing. Hunter x Hunter with Nen is also well-regarded for its intricate system worth theorizing about.

Thank you. I understand now that there are things I failed to consider—the MC being a genius. The same goes for the ability to compute these kinds of numbers without needing a “tremendous” amount of time since I never met or seen someone like that.
For clarity, I mentioned "MC calculated 311934 m/s" to point out that the MC did not just demonstrate the process but also computed a result, surprisingly without a calculator (which I understand is plausible). It was a response to your generalizing statement that constants are left alone. Still, the statement about the significance of demonstration is something I agree with.
Unfortunately, I’ve also had professors who wanted a specific way of computation that contradicted my already learned method.
I’ll admit “absurdity” wasn’t the best word but what I meant was that it was shocking to see these rigorous competitions as someone not familiar with them. I’ve only been to basic competitions hosted by school districts. I also acknowledged that the MC’s achievement was plausible in my last response hence the bubble-burst comment.
About characters discussing theories regarding their world, I find them enjoyable and allow me to immerse in their world. I also find it fun to spot differences between their world and ours. It’s not about learning math we already know but a different perspective/foundation of another world. It didn’t have to be a long discussion on that matter, it could’ve been just bits of small thoughts she has as she lives and grows. Either way, it was only wishful thinking as I said in my original post.
Lastly, thanks for the recommendations but I’ve already read those.
She just shared Yuri’s story about her dependence on the scholarship and even complementing her skills; but why is she suddenly trying to jeopardize it for her? I understand she’s upset and there’s injustice but why did the author even introduced a pitiful character to be beaten by the mc? Let me guess, the mc will save Yuri when things turn south for her after the placements are corrected.
It really irritates me when stories like this have some tests like this where the curricular (usually mathematics, physics, etc) are way similar to our world and the protagonist always solves these complex problems without a calculator! I also wish they showed the mc studying prior and learning the curriculum is somewhat different but uses similar concepts and learn those differences. It’s not that important but would be better than a girl obsessing over a knight.