2) Based off what I read, I don’t think Cirrus does wild things because he’s scared of being alone, especially considering he didn’t want to go to the fireworks one time and was home alone, where his abusive parents were.
I think it’s more specifically that he’s AFRAID of LOSING someone he loves. And he ends up hurting that person he loves. Both of them hurt each other, it’s a cycle at this point.
We readers can criticize their problematic behavior, but I could never hate them. That’s where I draw the line!
We all know Skylar didn’t mean to say he’s a second choice. He didn’t mean it. I do think it’s okay if readers criticize the problematic actions of both characters, but constantly slandering one without empathy while praising and being nice to other is wrong.
They both hit each other, it cancels out.
They both said mean stuff to each other, cancels out.
They both SA’ed, cancels out. (Skylar kissing his ex friend without consent while friend was asleep, and Cirrus…we all know lol.)
So in conclusion, they’re both problematic and deserves healing. I don’t understand the intense hate for any of them.
And in recent chapters, Cirrus cried and told Skylar that he is sorry and how he was afraid of losing what they had if he told Skylar about his scheme (way before they dated, the amusement park scheme).
Both of them are problematic and have their issues. I’m moving on and my goal is to see them heal!
This is coming from someone who tends to explain a lot of Cirrus’s side. I think many are confused as to why Skylar accepted Cirrus’s apology if Skylar is going to be an “asshole” later on.
I don’t think any of them should be cruel to each other, it just leads to a never ending cycle of abuse in a relationship. But I do know that they are humans who hurt each other due to their own issues and problems that stem from trauma and misunderstandings.
Skylar accepted his apology but he didn’t know the full context, especially the part where Cirrus chose to hide the fact that he schemed against him during the amusement park. That one, Skylar didn’t know. And it was a betrayal to him when he found out.
Skylar most likely thought Cirrus apologized about the stuff that…Skylar knew Cirrus had done, but there were things that he didn’t know so obviously he wouldn’t bring it up if he didn’t know.
It is normal to be jealous but we all know Cirrus’s reactions are far from normal. He has deeply trauma rooted insecurities, and he threw a can at Skylar’s back just because he saw him speaking with Chan-il—that is NOT normal.
I can also understand why Cirrus is feeling the way he does, as I mentioned: Trauma and abandonment issues. I’ve dealt the same situation so I’d know very well how it feels to be the extremely jealous one.
I do agree that what Skylar did is not right either. Rather than saying normal or not, I would say it’s morally wrong. And especially because Skylar knows how bad Cirrus’s trauma is, if I recall right—Cirrus also told him about the pedophile teacher and abusive parents.
Cirrus is emotionally dependent on Skylar and that itself is very concerning, and not normal.
Skylar treating and saying Cirrus is a second choice, it all stems from Skylar’s anger issues. He did not mean it, I can tell. Why would he mean it? For all I know, he only saw Minwoo’s replacement in Chan-il, a nicer version.
Not right, but there’s an explanation for that. BUT I do not like that many people defend that. We can criticize Skylar’s actions and not baby him, but I’ll still love him and Skylar.
Cirrus is not a saint, nor is Skylar. They’re both problematic at times, but they’re teens who are mentally unstable at times and need help. They don’t need readers who celebrate their problematic actions.