I love that she pulled her hair but gurl... You should've ripped it. RIPPED. IT. Take a handful on each side and give it a little shake, then drag her into the rain and drown her in the puddle. And also a punch in the gut. We shouldn't leave any visible evidence just in case but not that anyone's going to say anything. You're Deborah. She doesn't deserve any mercy for making poor little bro suffer.
I love that she pulled her hair but gurl... You should've ripped it. RIPPED. IT. Take a handful on each side and give it a little shake, then drag her into the rain and drown her in the puddle. And also a punch in the gut. We shouldn't leave any visible evidence just in case but not that anyone's going to say anything. You're Deborah. She doesn't deserve any mercy for making poor little bro suffer.