Gonna check out the raws and save y'alls time to see if it's worth it. Am sacrificing myself. Peace
*ok just finished the raws it wraps up in 40 chapters. Well I thought it had plot I bet author thought so too but then BAM! author thought let's not do much about it. Storyline was okish cliche but ok. Art is nice-ish? It feels like it changes up a bit in future chapters. Author built up the hype then just went meh. Whole point of the story ended in anticlimax like the fight we probably expect reading current chapters doesn't get executed the way it probably had the potential to do so, I like the characters but they did had potential but it felt wasted. Has a happy ending tho. Plot did had potential to become something big but sadly it wasn't executed well
There is plot that's for sure but its not 'ohmygod you gotta read' yet might not be able to spoil you cuz I probably won't understand everything Sunskitten
Gonna check out the raws and save y'alls time to see if it's worth it. Am sacrificing myself. Peace
*ok just finished the raws it wraps up in 40 chapters. Well I thought it had plot I bet author thought so too but then BAM! author thought let's not do much about it. Storyline was okish cliche but ok. Art is nice-ish? It feels like it changes up a bit in future chapters. Author built up the hype then just went meh. Whole point of the story ended in anticlimax like the fight we probably expect reading current chapters doesn't get executed the way it probably had the potential to do so, I like the characters but they did had potential but it felt wasted. Has a happy ending tho. Plot did had potential to become something big but sadly it wasn't executed well