Here are some titles that i loved as much as Here U Are x3 with kinda similar vibe, a sweet and fluffy story. Tho as mentioned before me, we could help better if you were a little more specific about what you liked about it :3 (note that some are yaoi and not shounen ai)
For Your Love
The Man Who Can't Taste
Love So Pure
Serious Joke
After Staring at the Starry Sky

Light-hearted with solid relationship building. I love a smutty yaoi as much as the next person but I really enjoyed how realistic the interactions were and the growth of characters.
I've also read/reading Sign, Semantic Error, our sunny days, nerd project and my guildmate next door. Those id say are the closest I've found. Any other recs?
I've been chasing the high I got reading Here U Are but nothing has scratched the itch. Any recommendations?