Let me get this straight.

Wafuru March 26, 2017 4:22 pm

So basically.





Law put Jesse in Moritat to control him and as part of his revenge plot.
Nothing in Moritat was real. The only thing that was partially true was: Law's parents dying (not Jesse's), hemophilia (Jesse's illness), jealosy of the maids (of course Jesse didnt sleep with them), being plagued by demonic mother visions (probably law's view of his nagging mothet?)

Everything else (Jesse begging Law to stay, falling off the balcony, restarting moritat in the snow, etc) didnt happen.

The flashbacks in summary show us that Jesse was a brat who majipulated Law. But as they grew older, Jesse realized that he loves Law. So he banished Law from his house and from him to grant Law's wish of not wanting to be controlled. So we are supposed to take this as a romantic gesture.

Law is triggered by abandonment. So in order to have Jesse, not lose Jesse, control Jesse and monopolize Jesse; hence Moritat. XD???

    mehh March 26, 2017 4:25 pm

    THIS make so sense thank you!

    yoi_fujoshi March 26, 2017 6:27 pm

    WELL MY HEART IS BROKEN but eh what did I expect? This wasn't supposed to be a cute love story of over coming anything. This was a tragedy really. If both their moms were bitches maybe they would've had a chance

    yoi_fujoshi March 26, 2017 6:27 pm


    daynight March 26, 2017 7:45 pm

    Bless you friend, because I still didn't understand what happened.

    NEETnayd March 26, 2017 8:17 pm

    Wow thank you for sharing! That was kinda comforting and pretty shocking that it is.... Never mind.. People ahte spoilers

    NEETnayd March 26, 2017 8:17 pm
    Wow thank you for sharing! That was kinda comforting and pretty shocking that it is.... Never mind.. People ahte spoilers NEETnayd


    baggedmilk March 26, 2017 8:28 pm

    Omg thank you I understand it a lot better now

    Reesesalazar March 26, 2017 8:49 pm

    Thank you so much this makes a lot more sense. Spoiler for chapter 52 sorry, in the end Law and Jesse end up together and they actually do live happily together.

    minyoongay March 27, 2017 7:29 am

    so wait, for jesse its like "if u love someone let them go" right? cos he want law to be free and not be the company's dog. but law thought when jesse abandoned law, law thought its jesse's plan to control him make him want jesse.

    he doesn't want to be controlled (even tho he was freed he didnt let go) so he tried to get back at jesse?

    Point is jesse freed law but law didnt let go even if he doesnt want to be controlled?
    Law u one confusing son of a hoe

    Sacchan March 27, 2017 9:25 am

    I agree with u, but i don't think that jesse banished law because he lives him. I actually rhink that jesse didn't want that law became his mother's dog. Maybe, jesse understood that he is in love with love only at the very end, after the moritat experience.
    By the way, i loved this manga, but the ending is very disappointing to me. I really wanted more drama, lol.

    Anonymous March 27, 2017 11:22 pm
    so wait, for jesse its like "if u love someone let them go" right? cos he want law to be free and not be the company's dog. but law thought when jesse abandoned law, law thought its jesse's plan to control him ... minyoongay

    Now this is where I disagree with you about Law. Law BEGGED for Jesse to let him go at one point, which you will remember if you did INDEED read it, but Jesse refused to. It was only when it benefited HIM that he decided to let Law go WITHOUT HIS CONSENT. Kt.