Anyone who reads this is weird as hell. Ya'll are trying so hard to excuse rape gtfo

Nana September 17, 2024 8:12 am

Anyone who reads this is weird as hell. Ya'll are trying so hard to excuse rape gtfo

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right September 17, 2024 7:16 pm

    It’s important to address misunderstandings calmly. The story does not involve rape, though it has complex or problematic elements. Accurate discussions about sensitive topics are crucial. Misunderstandings can occur, but resorting to personal attacks is unhelpful. If you have concerns, it’s better to discuss them respectfully and factually. Attacking others for their opinions on a story, even if you find it problematic, doesn’t contribute to constructive conversation. Accusations should be based on the actual content of the story, not on personal viewpoints that do not align with the facts.

    Nana September 17, 2024 7:30 pm
    It’s important to address misunderstandings calmly. The story does not involve rape, though it has complex or problematic elements. Accurate discussions about sensitive topics are crucial. Misunderstandings ... Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right

    He coerces and forcefully has sex with the main character. In what world is that not rape

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right September 17, 2024 7:43 pm
    He coerces and forcefully has sex with the main character. In what world is that not rape Nana

    What you’re describing sounds like rape, but that’s not what happens in Jinx.
    While there are elements of coercion, they fall under sexual assault rather than rape. The character's preferences include rough sex, but that doesn’t equate to forceful or non-consensual acts. It’s important to focus on the actual content of *Jinx* rather than making assumptions or interpreting it in ways that don’t align with the story. Let’s discuss the actual events of *Jinx* rather than hypothetical scenarios.

    wobgobblers September 17, 2024 9:44 pm
    What you’re describing sounds like rape, but that’s not what happens in Jinx. While there are elements of coercion, they fall under sexual assault rather than rape. The character's preferences include rough... Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right

    these are not hypothetical scenarios, there are multiple scenes where dan is deciding to back out of sex but jaekyung proceeds either way

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right September 17, 2024 9:54 pm
    these are not hypothetical scenarios, there are multiple scenes where dan is deciding to back out of sex but jaekyung proceeds either way wobgobblers

    Let's focus on discussing the actual events of Jinx rather than hypothetical scenarios and cherry picking. It’s important to consider the whole story rather than cherry-picking details to fit a particular viewpoint. This way, we can have a more accurate and respectful discussion about the story's content. What happens next? To make your claim dismissing many element of the story’s content and Dan’s character. Review chapter 20-21.

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right September 17, 2024 9:55 pm
    Let's focus on discussing the actual events of Jinx rather than hypothetical scenarios and cherry picking. It’s important to consider the whole story rather than cherry-picking details to fit a particular vie... Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right

    Dismisses many elements *

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right September 18, 2024 12:12 am
    these are not hypothetical scenarios, there are multiple scenes where dan is deciding to back out of sex but jaekyung proceeds either way wobgobblers

    Sorry, you are right. I was trying to gaslight you into forgetting that Dan had been screaming no in pain and the fact that there's a power dynamic.

    Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right September 18, 2024 12:25 am

    I want to start by saying how incredibly hurt I am by how you’ve handled this conversation. I know you might not see things the same way as I do, but the fact that you haven’t taken my feelings seriously is really upsetting. When we talk about something like Jinx and the characters involved—especially someone like Jaekyung and what he did to Dan—this isn’t just some simple, detached conversation. These are heavy topics, and they touch on real issues that mean something deeply personal to me. It feels like you’ve dismissed my thoughts and haven’t taken the time to understand where I’m coming from, and that’s really painful. You’re wrong about Jinx, and more importantly, you’re wrong in the way you’ve treated my perspective.

    I know I’m the only one who says Jaekyung didn’t rape Dan, and I’ve always stood by that in front of everyone, even though I’m fully aware it’s not the truth. It’s not that I don’t know what happened—I do. I know that Jaekyung did rape Dan, but what you don’t understand is that for me, saying he didn’t is part of how I deal with this. It’s my way of trying to convince not just other people, but myself, that what happened isn’t as bad as it seems. Maybe it’s because I can’t face it fully, or maybe it’s because I don’t want to believe that a character like Jaekyung, who has other layers to him, could do something so awful. But you’ve brushed off my efforts to explain this, and in doing so, you’ve brushed off the way I process things emotionally, and that’s hurtful.

    It’s frustrating because, for someone who gets it so wrong, I sure get offended easily, don’t I? I don’t think you see how deeply your words have cut me. It’s not just about the story or the characters. It’s about how you’ve treated my feelings in this conversation. When you refuse to engage with my perspective thoughtfully, it makes me feel like my voice doesn’t matter to you. I understand that you disagree with me, but there’s a difference between disagreeing and outright dismissing someone. The way you’ve talked about this whole thing makes me feel like you don’t care how much effort I’ve put into convincing myself and others that my point of view is valid. And while I know deep down that Jaekyung did what he did to Dan, this stance I’ve taken is part of how I deal with the story. It’s not easy to hold onto, especially when everyone around me, including you, is quick to say I’m wrong.

    But here’s the thing: even if I am wrong, I’m still allowed to have my own way of coping with it. I’m allowed to engage with these characters and this story in a way that feels meaningful to me. And if you can’t respect that, then this conversation is going to continue to hurt me. I get offended easily because these conversations aren’t just surface-level for me. They’re tied to things I feel deeply about. So when you don’t take me seriously, it cuts deeper than just a disagreement about what happened between two characters.

    I’m asking you to really think about how you’ve responded to me in this conversation. I need you to understand that this isn’t just about who’s right or wrong. It’s about listening to each other, about being sensitive to how the other person feels. You might think I’m wrong, but that doesn’t mean you can dismiss my emotions or the way I’ve processed this. I’ve been trying to persuade myself and others that Jaekyung didn’t do what he did, and whether that’s right or wrong, it’s my way of dealing with the story. What I need from you is understanding, not judgment.

    So yes, I do get offended easily, but maybe that’s because I care so much. Maybe it’s because I put so much of myself into these conversations, and when you don’t take that seriously, it hurts more than you realize. All I’m asking is that you take a step back and think about how you’ve treated my feelings in all of this. I need you to understand that, even if we don’t agree, my perspective still matters, and my feelings deserve respect.

    MD joined on 10/7/23 is right September 18, 2024 12:53 am

    **Attention: Cyberstalking Alert**

    Please be aware that there are individuals engaging in cyberstalking and identity theft within this community. They are copying names and spreading misinformation to discredit others and avoid discussing the actual content of the story. We do not condone or tolerate these actions. Let’s focus on constructive discussions and respect each other's viewpoints rather than engaging in or supporting such harmful behavior.

    Finstrrr September 18, 2024 1:19 am
    It’s important to address misunderstandings calmly. The story does not involve rape, though it has complex or problematic elements. Accurate discussions about sensitive topics are crucial. Misunderstandings ... Morning Diamonds 10/7 is right

    It’s rape dude…

    MD joined on 10/7/23 is right September 18, 2024 1:36 am
    It’s rape dude… Finstrrr

    No, it is not rape but rather sexual coercion, which is classified as sexual assault and other forms of sexual assault.

    Jinx does not depict rape according to the actual story’s details and legal definitions. While some may view the story differently, it’s important to recognize that differing perspectives are valid but should respect the actual content of the story. The intention to label it as rape might stem from personal interpretations or emotional responses, but this should not overshadow the actual narrative. In my experience the majority who said it is rape are haters and not fans.

    Respecting different viewpoints and focusing on the story's details can lead to more constructive discussions.

    Finstrrr September 18, 2024 2:47 am
    No, it is not rape but rather sexual coercion, which is classified as sexual assault and other forms of sexual assault. Jinx does not depict rape according to the actual story’s details and legal definitions.... MD joined on 10/7/23 is right

    Are you using chat gpt or something (genuine question lmao your replies are so long and formal for a manga site lol)

    MD joined on 10/7/23 is right September 18, 2024 3:25 am
    Are you using chat gpt or something (genuine question lmao your replies are so long and formal for a manga site lol) Finstrrr

    My replies are so long? Those small comments are long?

    My comments are not long. You are on a manga site to read.
    Yes my comments are formal for many reason: one is to distinguish myself from the cyberstalkers who are impersonating me. Your laughter seems to be derailing the conversation and coming across as trolling. Let's keep the discussion focused and respectful. ChatGPT is not writing my messages. I write them.

    kurpika September 18, 2024 4:05 am
    **Attention: Cyberstalking Alert**Please be aware that there are individuals engaging in cyberstalking and identity theft within this community. They are copying names and spreading misinformation to discredit ... MD joined on 10/7/23 is right

    It's crazy how people would stoop down to such a level, I totally believe you man.

    LEXICON September 18, 2024 5:48 am
    **Attention: Cyberstalking Alert**Please be aware that there are individuals engaging in cyberstalking and identity theft within this community. They are copying names and spreading misinformation to discredit ... MD joined on 10/7/23 is right

    It’s rape you calling it sexual assault or calling their relationship complex will not change the fact the are multiple times when he asks him to stop but still keeps going that is rape !

    MD joined on 10/7/23 is right September 18, 2024 5:58 am
    It’s rape you calling it sexual assault or calling their relationship complex will not change the fact the are multiple times when he asks him to stop but still keeps going that is rape ! LEXICON

    Again. No, it is not rape but rather sexual coercion, which is classified as sexual assault and other forms of sexual assault. Let's focus on discussing the actual events of Jinx rather than hypothetical scenarios and/or cherry picking. It’s important to consider the whole story rather than cherry-picking details to fit a particular viewpoint. This way, we can have a more accurate and respectful discussion about the story's content.

    Jinx does not depict rape according to the actual story’s details and legal definitions. While some may view the story differently, it’s important to recognize that differing perspectives are valid but should respect the actual content of the story. The intention to label it as rape might stem from personal interpretations or emotional responses, but this should not overshadow the actual narrative. In my experience the majority who said it is rape are haters and not fans.

    Respecting different viewpoints and focusing on the story's details can lead to more constructive discussions.

    MD joined on 10/7/23 is right September 18, 2024 5:59 am
    It's crazy how people would stoop down to such a level, I totally believe you man. kurpika

    It is crazy. And it is all over an opinion on a fictional story. That makes it crazier

    LEXICON September 18, 2024 6:05 am
    Again. No, it is not rape but rather sexual coercion, which is classified as sexual assault and other forms of sexual assault. Let's focus on discussing the actual events of Jinx rather than hypothetical scena... MD joined on 10/7/23 is right

    I ain’t reading all that it’s rape !

    MD joined on 10/7/23 is right September 18, 2024 6:09 am
    Are you using chat gpt or something (genuine question lmao your replies are so long and formal for a manga site lol) Finstrrr

    Also I happen to look up because your reply had confused me.
    I told people on this thread I have a cyberstalker impersonating me and to check the accounts. The long message you are referring to is not from me.
    I try to overlook their comments and try not read them. I don’t know they posted a super long and weird message.

    MD joined on 10/7/23 is right September 18, 2024 6:12 am
    I ain’t reading all that it’s rape ! LEXICON

    It’s disappointing to see such dismissive responses. If you choose not to engage with the details, that's your decision. However, this approach is unproductive and immature. The focus should remain on the actual narrative of jinx rather than cherry-picking or personal biases. The story does not depict rape according to its details and legal definitions. Engaging in constructive discussion means respecting the content of the story and considering different perspectives without letting personal opinions overshadow the facts.