1. On chapter 71 they made an antidote to finally turn him into a male permanently. But on chapter 72 it turns out that the antidote wasn't strong enough and he turned back into a woman again
2. He did not stay a girl permanently
3. Yes they did, I suggest you read it for yourself
4. It is absolutely worth reading if you want BL, tho I will admit there are more scenes of him as a girl rather than a boy, but it is super duper cute and they are both bi icons

Idk, the ending could be better, but it was pretty good. (spoilers) as i previously said, he turned back into a woman again and that made the others mad and are saying that the author is homophobic. But it was implied that they are going to work on a new antidote and the author probably just made him turn into a woman again for some comedy (they already had a cute scene together as males on ch71)
I haven’t read this in like 3-4 years, and just saw this pop and then got curious about how many chapters it has now, and look at that it’s the “end”. Anyways, the last time I read it was at chapter 24, i have a few questions, since a lot of y’all are not satisfied for some reason and I can only think of a few things why it wouldn’t be satisfying, accdg to that “author is homophobic” comment that is.
1. Did Shion finally stay as one gender?
2. Did Shion stay as a girl permanently?
3. Did they find out who and what the reason was for Shion transforming?
4. Is it no longer worth reading if I stayed for the bl aspect?