Gosh... THIS WAS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! The rating did NOT prepared me for how good this was!...

Doominie September 17, 2024 5:29 am


The rating did NOT prepared me for how good this was!!! I love love love the fact that their preference for BDSM plays was not derivated from some weird trauma ou even deviating personality and it's just honestly what they need bodly and mentaly!

I admit that I kinda got confused somewhere in the middle cuz I didn't really understand their feelings for a moment, but after admiting that I'm just not that smart nor sympathetic the rest went real nicely hahaha.

Also, the PLAYS!!! Oh GOD the plays!! I just adquired the pee kink recently and this one was a TREAT, jesus! I loved their dynamic, that they just suit each other really well, and that the uke was able to stand out for himself and plainly talk about what he wanted and needed ( I also liked it very much that he seemed to come to terms with his age, which seemed to bother him, without a lot of drama just by understanding that his maturity was the best for his situation).

Yes, I do know that this is not one of the most deep stories or most well-developed plot overall, but - honestly - I didn't expect any of that nor did I wanted it. It was very clear from the beginning that this was about sex and that, oooh THAT, was indeed well delivered.

For what it intended and delivered and for how much this amused me, it's a five stars!
