Just admit you like hyung joo even if he sexually harasses the mc. Using the mc previous actions to justify your mess up ship with a dude that has the potential to be a rapist bc of his lust and jealousy, is laughable.
The thing your missing from reading the story is that iltak is slowly realizing the shit he has done in the past towards other people was bad (thanks to hyungjoo disgusting ass bullying him) . In addition to that, hyungwoo isn’t a type of delinquent that bullies people so illtak becoming friends with him won’t make him a bully.

I don't like it when Hyung Joo SH the MC but in this case, it's well deserved. Especially when after rereading,' chapter 18 of Iltak's thoughts on the poor kid he bullied.
Itak: (Did I go too far? Nah, that's what he gets for being a f*g. He's F*cking disgusting.")
At that moment, I lost all sympathy for Iltak and don't care who he winds up with,
tbh, he didn't seem that remorseful for the bullying, he just doesn't like being on the receiving end of it.
PS. When I said Ginger should hook up with Iltak I didn't mean by him forcing himself on Iltak. I'm just saying those two trash deserve each other. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Well, who cares if Iltak gets with Ginger? He's literally the same Assh*le he was in Middle school who severely bullied and tormented a boy for being gay calling him homophobic slurs and getting others to beat him up every day, ruining his life.
What's worse he didn't learn his lesson, I mean look at his goals, his only goal in life is to be the number one delinquent he was in middle school, and he just wants to use Hyunwoo's strength to help him rise up in the ranks so can continue to be the same bully he was in middle school.
Guys, He's still the same trashy homophobic asshole who still wants to be a bully Delinquent. So as far as I'm concerned HyungJoo (Ginger) is his Karma and if ever does hook up with Ginger, GOOD, he deserves it, in fact, it's HyungJoo who deserves better. Plus I think Ginger has the most potential for character development.