ok couple of things I want to say...

Ugly_Rose September 16, 2024 9:36 pm

1. GREAT JOB NOAH!! like really?! Ya, ya I know he told her with his best intentions but like the way he told her wasn't that great. he really said "if they find out, your family might die due to a war, and it will be pretty much your fault even though you would never want that to happen" like that's not goanna cause some MAJOR problems down the road

2. sometimes I forgot that this is not like your typical fantasy, romance stories instead it's one of those angst ones where the mc believes they will die at the end, and they think they can't do shit about it...

3. at least one good thing came out of this chapter, the duke and duchess finally confessing their feeling for each other and getting together, usually that takes up an whole ass 100 chapters and an character arc to do so good for them tho (I fucking felt single as fuck reading that tho)

4. how the hell doesn't that knight hear them?! like he really should NOT be sleeping on that job rn!! like shouldn't he supposed to be alert since he's guarding a prisoner?!! hell he could be fake sleeping or just resting his eyes and they talking about running away together!! like hu?!
