
kaz September 16, 2024 9:07 pm

so when I read the first couple of chapters of this, I was literally so hooked. like woah have I really found a dark, gloomy manhwa with a gripping plot, fantastical and mythological elements, adult themes, gore, great dialogue and immediate chemistry between the leads + visually stunning art? a ML who's lost his mind, whose motives remain a mystery? who's killed so many people yet kneels to the ground to let a siren peacefully die in his arms? my ass really thought I just struck gold bro like it had EVERYTHING. and then...it didn't. like maybe I was expecting something different going into this so I'm ultimately to blame, but after reaching chapter 53 I've come to terms with the fact that this kind of just ended up being like every other manhwa on here and I've never been this disappointed about a story going the way it has. it's just not what I wanted. I don't want to read about blushing giggly children nor a plot that was supposed to have much more complexity but just ended up falling flat. how does a story like THIS end up becoming boring? and I'm not into the whole "I was an adult when I died, and now I'm a child, and I'm basically into another child even though I'm mentally an adult." also, the art was lovely at first, but then it steadily became overwhelming with the 3929933 accessories, and quite generic. they all just look the same atp. two words for this manhwa: wasted potential

    Everlyndea September 19, 2024 1:58 am

    Lol don't disagree but i just wanted to add that Aria wasn't an adult she was 14 when she died

    kaz September 20, 2024 12:34 am
    Lol don't disagree but i just wanted to add that Aria wasn't an adult she was 14 when she died Everlyndea

    oh I see I didn't know that thank you for the info