
Yuki September 16, 2024 5:22 pm

This left me with more questions than answers…

Currently at ch 11 but read in the comment about who he will end up with:

What is even happening, get MC therapy, maybe that’ll help more than trying to solve it yourself @~@

Tbh If this was a real Harem story, I’d be really annoyed with the existence of blonde haired dude who seems to be fond of the grey haired baseball player tsundere. (Tho admittedly he seems like a nice guy, he deserves someone better than this mentally unstable guy probs)
Edit: so what else could be happening is that he’s not interested in tsundere guy at all and his dad is misunderstanding, and he’s just blushing for other reasons and will like MC later… idk, bc why the heck is he in the cover if he’s not a love interest?? Haha

It really came out of nowhere when MC suddenly jumped onto the baby face guy and kissed him… like he didn’t even have feelings, they were friends and he had flings, why suddenly jump him (idk if my train of thought is reasonable). ALSO bro this guy REALLY seems like a child at some times, like not understanding where this is leading to, not being able to take care of himself and MC doing it? (Like normally I don’t care much, just this times it’s bothering me a little)

From the flashbacks, mostly around baseball guy, MC is SO SWEET y’all I can’t, he seems like such a sunshine boy, he deserves all the happiness in the world, someone new giving him all the love he deserves, not all this hot mess reappearing in his life haha ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Especially black haired dude, changed not even a bit. Idk I just don’t like him. Yes he can mistake his feelings at the moment, but if you realize, don’t force yourself, it doesn’t do anyone good. Tho I do wonder, if something similar happens in real life, if they would tell the truth or try to follow along as long as they can in order to… uhm protect?? The other???

Anyways, what even is happening haha tbh I just want to speedrun to the last chapter to see MC smile from the bottom of his heart again. I hope it will happen.
