He basically doesn’t find out until like after this part of the story plus the journey back to capitol. Like hes not 100% confirmed until they almost reach the capitol. But he does start to very much believe he’s Abel when they reach the red forest or whatever it was called that they are going to right now. Like 80% and treats him nicely. Ofc not until after this entire journey in the forest where he treats him badly lol. My guess is it’ll take till the end of this manhwa season for them to find out about each other though.
there is so many things going on like idk how much u liked but i am telling some important things like = caesar will marked him and his golden eyes never gone when he marked him his golden eyes were back also after some chapters later he got depressed as they tought abel died again but abel was doing his best for the prince. i just finished volume 5
As a NOVEL reader trust me upcoming episodes r a gold b.o.mb like damn those chapter after season 1 will be a biggest slayer trust me