I've reread this chapter and I love JJ so much. I like that when Leo tried to throw that t...

Tima September 16, 2024 4:29 am

I've reread this chapter and I love JJ so much. I like that when Leo tried to throw that tantrum he shut it down immediately. He doesn't need to bend backwards anymore especially when Leo just sees "Fortuna" and not JJ the person. Everyone around him knew that if anything happened it's all him and even told him to do better and he still felt like JJ would always love him even when he is being mediocre. I hope this is a learning moment. I still ship them heavy but Leo needs to pull his weight.

Another thing, I find it funny how people think JJ can't communicate when even in this chapter he does. He basically asks Leo what he wants from him and why should he have to match whatever mood he is in. And Leo just ran away because he can't handle the reality of a situation he created. People justifying his behaviour with he is just stupid as if it's something to be proud of are just weird. Even though unintentionally he is weaponizing his stupidity to try and get what he wants but JJ just respects himself more now than he loves Leo. Reality of love is you can love someone and still not want to be with them as they are. JJ breaking up the way he did was his own way of curbing his growing resentment toward Leo and hoping that just maybe losing him would ignite some type of growth within bbes but truth is you can never really change people.

    Nananananananananana September 16, 2024 4:48 am

    I'm always on the side that they are both wrong, and I saw JJ that he cannot communicate.

    This whole situation leads to this because he did not tell anything with Leo about his plans, they were in the relationship when he was planning to go in the Germany. Now JJ used the excuse that "they are not in relationship", but they were in relationship, they were not some guys that hooked up ages ago. They were official.

    Communication is the problem here; this whole situation is what relationships experienced all over the world. One expects the other to automatically understand what they felt, and the other one expects to just do anything they wanted without regarding their lover's feelings.

    You can't blame ALL on Leo, he was hurt, I know JJ was hurt too but he expects JJ to care for him. The anxiety that he felt that he might have someone, and he doesn't care for him, his coping mechanism to recommend being "sex buddies" because even he doesn't know, he loves JJ. However, Leo is at fault here too, but so is JJ. You need to share to your lover, and you can't stay silent and then expects them they will know what you are thinking. That is why we communicate; we are no mind reader.

    Tima September 16, 2024 5:00 am
    I'm always on the side that they are both wrong, and I saw JJ that he cannot communicate.This whole situation leads to this because he did not tell anything with Leo about his plans, they were in the relationsh... Nananananananananana

    I disagree with all this. Leo is a grown man who behaves like an entitled child. You cannot be taught empathy. It is something that people develop individually. Y'all are putting the burden of fixing the relationship on JJ as if he needs to constantly put his feelings aside for someone who clearly wouldn't and doesn't do the same for him. I would have understood if Leo was some infant but he is a 24 yr old man wanting the simplest things to be spelt out for him. He is a racing genius who knows that pulling race car gears need upto a 100 kg force yet somehow can't comprehend to not treat his boyfriend like a dildo??? I'm not going to gaslight myself into thinking he needs to have his hand held to every solution of his fuck up.

    placid September 16, 2024 5:11 am
    I'm always on the side that they are both wrong, and I saw JJ that he cannot communicate.This whole situation leads to this because he did not tell anything with Leo about his plans, they were in the relationsh... Nananananananananana

    Tima is right. JJ did communicate, when he broke up with Leo he explained everything and Leo did absolutely nothing after. Even after they ended their relationship, JJ still tried to communicate by telling him his boundaries and that he should not expect things from him anymore. Him going to germany was his last attempt to respect his own boundary because clearly the other party can’t. Leo’s response with this was to suggest for them to be sex buddies and JJ clearly still loves him, agreed to it. After breaking up JJ asked him what does he expect from him. THATS communication. Leo leaving by slamming the door isnt.

    There is no “trying” done on Leo’s side. He’s still thinking of just “Me me me” “My luck. “My win.” Nothing of, “He felt like a slave in the entire relationship.” if thats not being selfish and bratty then I don’t know what is. Their relationship is built on years of this. JJ endured so much of his pride getting stepped on. Him acting like an ass right now is totally warranted given Leo is still acting the same, if not, worse.

    Yellowcanary September 16, 2024 5:13 am

    I feel like this is a really interesting take bc while I agree mostly, JJ’s actions seems worse then Leo’s due to the fact that he’s seems more mature and level headed then Leo who is more immature and hot headed so when JJ does something it looks like he’s dropping to his level instead of taking the high road like how his character type is supposed to handle this situation. Like I think it’s the difference of being hurtful by accident and hurtful on purpose.

    I really do hope they end up together but its going to be interesting to see how they end up getting back together because like I think JJ was right to leave the relationship, I think Leo would be right to stay away.

    placid September 16, 2024 5:21 am
    I'm always on the side that they are both wrong, and I saw JJ that he cannot communicate.This whole situation leads to this because he did not tell anything with Leo about his plans, they were in the relationsh... Nananananananananana

    Also I don't think during their relationship JJ didn’t communicate either. Leo’s acting this way even after they broke up. Years of this can lead to hoping “He’s gonna get better.” and JJ did that. He endured, loved and gritted his teeth hoping Leo could wake the fuck up but he didn’t. JJ kept giving and received nothing in return. Im defending my man lmao its easy for people to say “communicate” but if the other person starts to act like an ass because its not reciprocated, suddenly hes “at fault” too

    Tima September 16, 2024 5:23 am
    I feel like this is a really interesting take bc while I agree mostly, JJ’s actions seems worse then Leo’s due to the fact that he’s seems more mature and level headed then Leo who is more immature and ho... Yellowcanary

    Bbes that is where the problem is in some these arguments. JJ being seen as more mature automatically minimises his feelings and struggles. He is expected to be some kind of superman, even superman needed Lois so ... This eventually bred contempt especially in Leo who believes he is owed JJ's affection even when he has just been so dismissive of his feelings.

    Nananananananananana September 16, 2024 7:34 am

    I feel you all do not understand what I meant, no one puts all the burden to JJ but an effort should be done.

    JJ all did was take Leo's "tantrum/immaturity" and be done with it; he never did communicate. Even now, he never told Leo what made him decides going to Germany, telling Leo he does not like to be used, because they are lovers. He should have told him he is exhausted and doesn't feel Leo's love anymore.

    And Leo is wrong since all he thinks is himself, but the blame is not ALL on him. Oh come on guys, relationship doesn't work like that. It is about learning and being with each other. No one expects JJ and Leo to know about relationships if all addicted to racing and cars, but they are both wrong. And I still stand that JJ did not communicate his feelings.

    You can't say that "trying" is communication, he should straight up tell him. And now Leo cannot use being sex buddies to meet up with JJ, he should learn about his behavior towards his lover, that they are not some ornamentals for glory.

    ari September 16, 2024 10:44 am

    i agree with you completely, don't get why you got so many dislikes

    Yellowcanary September 16, 2024 3:44 pm
    Bbes that is where the problem is in some these arguments. JJ being seen as more mature automatically minimises his feelings and struggles. He is expected to be some kind of superman, even superman needed Lois ... Tima

    Of course I’m not saying he should be expected to minimize his struggles and issues and being called the mature one isn’t bad because he is genuinely more mature. Yes he has moment where he acts a bit like a kid in the flashback but like can’t expect a person to act mature 100% of the time. The issue I have with it is JJ’s act of intentionally hurting Leo which is tricky because he’s mostly just reaffirming his life without Leo and his boundaries with Leo and his knows his actions hurt said boy but he does it anyways which, just to make it clear, I’m not saying is a bad thing. It’s just something to make known. That’s in direct comparison to Leo’s who was hurting JJ but completely unintentionally due to his ignorance.

    I’m not saying one is better than the other however I feel like people are associating malice with Leo’s actions that has never been there