I'VE BEEN A NASTY GURL!!! AND OMG THIS IS SO MATCHING THE FREAK AAAAAAA LEZ GOOOOO <3 love bdsm and this hits all the good spots! He researched, established a safe word, is giving commands but is also always checking up on his partner and giving him a chance to choose to continue or stop (0p0) that's my shit<3 consentual very raunchy and intense sex!
I'VE BEEN A NASTY GURL!!! AND OMG THIS IS SO MATCHING THE FREAK AAAAAAA LEZ GOOOOO <3 love bdsm and this hits all the good spots! He researched, established a safe word, is giving commands but is also always checking up on his partner and giving him a chance to choose to continue or stop (0p0) that's my shit<3 consentual very raunchy and intense sex!