actually enjoying this

Dummy September 15, 2024 7:39 pm

I’m sorry after reading a lot of comments how Kaizen is the worst he really isn’t and I literally read Lucia. Both Kaizen and Astelle were victims in this whole scenario, because it’s obvious that her “father” is the one who’s behind all the mistrust. And how ppl argue like oh they’re gonna give him a sad backstory for redemption, that’s how story telling works that makes it more engaging than giving it to you flat. Either way I do like the characters in here and especially Astelle because I do find her as a strong character and just wish the best for her.
And interesting that the count is the real father of both Fritz and Astelle which makes them escape from the plot that they’ll affected in the “father” is arrested and charged for all the crimes he’s done.
And some of yall are a little too mean to Theor, he’s a just kid who’s like pushing 6
