Why do they make these types of plots? the woman isn't in her right mind. Why does the aut...

cold hearted September 15, 2024 4:34 pm

Why do they make these types of plots? the woman isn't in her right mind. Why does the author think it's fine to make the drunken FL have accidental sex with the last person she wants to have it with? Bro, I'm pretty sure she thinks she having sex with her cheating boyfriend not her whore of a boss. Watch them degrade the FL and call her a golddigger when it's revealed she had slept/sex with that dickhead. I get that he uses protections but shit I'm pretty sure he's worst than her cheating ex. Dude don't even treat humans as humans why did she have to be with that garbage pretty sure they gonna make him to be her knight in shining armor to save her and he will be the ML which is fucking shit.

    marzzz September 22, 2024 9:52 am

    i mean things like that happen in real life so i don't think it's all that ridiculous at all. toxic maybe but unrealistic? not at all