I still wished the crown prince got some type of scolding by the ml because, he did still very much cheat on his fiance that he knew since childhood. Not to mention even his dad and everyone acknowledged that she never actually hurt the girl so from their POV she was just acting out cause she was being cheated on.... which to me makes him being mean to her in the beginning even freakin worse and bby girl mc is just toooo understanding, even his new fiance was about to step down cause she could even tell something was off like wtf and him being all like "did you not wanna be married to me that bad" was so annoying cause if she had said she had feelings for you still what would you have done??? dropped your fiance again and just switch back girls? he drained me everytime he popped up
I still wished the crown prince got some type of scolding by the ml because, he did still very much cheat on his fiance that he knew since childhood. Not to mention even his dad and everyone acknowledged that she never actually hurt the girl so from their POV she was just acting out cause she was being cheated on.... which to me makes him being mean to her in the beginning even freakin worse and bby girl mc is just toooo understanding, even his new fiance was about to step down cause she could even tell something was off like wtf and him being all like "did you not wanna be married to me that bad" was so annoying cause if she had said she had feelings for you still what would you have done??? dropped your fiance again and just switch back girls? he drained me everytime he popped up