I feel really off w the bottom. He's overthinking too much. LIKE HE DON'T TRUST THE ML, it...

SAKAYAAAAAA September 15, 2024 6:43 am

I feel really off w the bottom. He's overthinking too much. LIKE HE DON'T TRUST THE ML, it's kinda pissing me off. Sorry not sorry.

    AbstractioShay September 15, 2024 11:55 pm

    Ahhh the life of a person with anxiety. We get passed off with ourselves too.

    mel September 17, 2024 9:44 pm

    He is a teenager what do we expect

    SeokjinSunoo September 18, 2024 6:00 am

    Cut the MC some slack ofc he's nervous this is his first serious relationship n the ML is handsome has lots of friends n actually very popular ofc he'd be nervous. Hes just a teen they overthink it's normal

    aria September 19, 2024 6:25 pm

    Well.. i guess you’ll be pissed of at me too bc i’d be like that too. Always anxious and overthinking. But hey at least they talk it out