大国主神-様 September 15, 2024 4:58 am


I love how realistic the MC is (calling her MC because she's not Eris and her real name wasn't mentioned). In most stories, the MC obviously feels out of place at the beginning right after transmigration, but usually ends up getting used to it. But this story is so refreshing to read because our MC just DESPERATELY wants to go back, even though she wasn't really leading the ideal life there. She missed her family, her home, her life that she had to leave behind. That, coupled with how she was determined to go back, but wavered at times made her feel so realistic. I really loved her.

And Anakhin. BOI, WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN TO SAY HOW MUCH I ADORE HIM. Best boi frfr. He's one of the best MLs I've EVER seen. He genuinely loves MC, so much that he even held back his own feelings to carry out her wishes and ensure her happiness. He loves and respects her so so much. Those 3 clowns don't even deserve to be compared to him. They'll never ever be even a fraction of the man Anakhin is.

I loved Helena too. She's such a sweet and kind person. Although Eris mistreated her earlier, she still forgave her and was willing to get stabbed if that meant MC could achieve happiness. I'm happy that there's something she wants to do, although it might mean that she's stuck as the Empress, a role which will prolly not bring her happiness. On that note, I really respect the former Empress (Melpomene). She had to see her beloved son get executed by the man who she loved and then still forced to live on with the memories of her deceased son. She yearned for revenge and I'm so happy that she could achieve it with MC's help, even if that meant that she also had to die.

As for Medea, Kintia, Emma and the rest of the witches, they are so supportive of the MC and her choices throughout. Medea helped her however much she could whenever MC needed her and the other witches supported her and the MC continuously. I was very moved after seeing how much Emma cared about Eris, and then later, the MC too. She was the mother figure that Eris needed, someone who would love her and care about her unconditionally. And I really love Kintia too. She was such a strong and independent person, even as a child. She really did deserve to become the Goddess, though I wanna see what she was like as one. I cried in the part where she shouted "Off with her head!" during her execution, despite liking her so much, just because she wanted to respect MC's wishes.

And last but not least, THOSE SHITTY MEN. ALL, EVERY SINGLE SIGNIFICANT MAN IN THIS STORY WAS TRASH EXCEPT FOR OUR LOVABLE ANAKHIN. THEY MADE MY BLOOD BOIL. I know that Alecto suffered a lot as a child, but that is no excuse to continuously hurt someone innocent (Eris). The way Hubris was so obsessed with MC was so disgusting, especially because she saw his mother in her and KNEW that she was his half-sister. And the Kazaar guy was so self centred that he didn't care about MC's feelings and only wanted to protect her and make her feel like he was the only one she could rely on only to comfort himself. The way that the Marquess and the Emperor treated their wives and children was fucking vile. If they really cared about them, they would've cared about their opinions too and not force everything upon them.

Phew, that was such a long rant, but I loved this story so much I'll never shut up about it. The plot was amazing and the execution was so well done. I gave mad respect for the author and the artist and the rest of the staff. This was truly a masterpiece

    nekok September 21, 2024 2:27 am

    The marquis and the emperor, isn’t that how men treated women of that historical time. Dam it still happens. Women where objects and business transactions.