I love Riftan.

VulpesInculta September 15, 2024 3:52 am

Idk why people are hating on Riftan so much. Like I get it, sometimes he’s an ass. But putting this into perspective, this story is being told by an unreliable narrator. Maxi does not have the whole picture and is quite self demeaning. Expanding upon that, Riftan doesn’t and has never had tact. He’s a mercenary turned knight turned halfway noble. He knows nothing of the delicate nature of women or how to navigate them, especially during this time period. Hell, he didn’t even know women HAD periods. He’s the head of the most powerful order of knights. He’s feeling the pressure of not only trying to find a mage in time, while also trying to rescue his comrades in time, but also the very real threat of death. And his wife, WHO HE STILL BELIEVES HAS BEEN PAMPERED ALL HER LIFE, insists on going to the front lines. Riftan has always loved Maxi, I’d even venture to say before their marriage due to the hints of him watching her all the time (like watching her play with kittens) and needlessly making trips once a month to Croyso castle. Dude is absolutely TERRIED that she will die, and it will be completely his fault for allowing her to go. He wants her home and safe, no matter if he dies or not. I cannot fault him for that. Is he bullheaded in awarding her what her talent is due? Yes. But it’s very justified since like I said, Maxi still has not told him she’s been neglected and abused all her life. Cut the man some slackkkkk. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

    VulpesInculta September 15, 2024 3:54 am

    Maxi is literally the only thing in Riftan’s life that matters. #StopTheSlander

    Me. September 16, 2024 10:41 pm

    Like Maxi has pretty much zero battle training or experience and she's forcing herself on this super dangerous expedition. I understand why that might make your loved ones upset

    VulpesInculta September 17, 2024 1:05 am
    Like Maxi has pretty much zero battle training or experience and she's forcing herself on this super dangerous expedition. I understand why that might make your loved ones upset Me.

    Where’s the lie bc I know I’d be PISSED at a loved one that put themselves in that position. Like I get the sentiment but take your ass home

    Me. September 17, 2024 2:55 pm
    Where’s the lie bc I know I’d be PISSED at a loved one that put themselves in that position. Like I get the sentiment but take your ass home VulpesInculta

    Please before somebody gets hurt