Ugh I just knew it, now the guy whatever his name is is beginning to reminisce about the o...

Mayonaise_Chicken September 14, 2024 8:29 pm

Ugh I just knew it, now the guy whatever his name is is beginning to reminisce about the old days and now he "loves" her blah blah blah, yes you may be handsome but I was always into brunettes and my girl is a fan of our little cappuccino therefore I am a fan of him too... So mister man better not be getting any ideas he is now out of the equation... I freaking love the emperor but the brother is not getting the vibes

    Gerafyna September 14, 2024 8:34 pm

    I really love how you called him “little cappuccino” its sooo adorableee

    Mayonaise_Chicken September 14, 2024 8:40 pm
    I really love how you called him “little cappuccino” its sooo adorableee Gerafyna

    I do love my coffee~~~ and he is very adorable I just cantt with him

    JayJay (I'm back!) September 14, 2024 9:30 pm

    Raymond's so annoyingly entitled and self-vitimizing, always preaching and lecturing anyone like the world owes him something, he even lectures the crown prince and royal princess Agnes, let alone Kylo. As if his mother's death and a bit of clinging from og Agnes' had turned him into the country's biggest "wronged" victim. Stop self-victimizing, you prick. The prince and Agnes lost their mother too, and your father's the one to blame for your miserable childhood, NOT the royal family.

    Mayonaise_Chicken September 14, 2024 9:56 pm
    Raymond's so annoyingly entitled and self-vitimizing, always preaching and lecturing anyone like the world owes him something, he even lectures the crown prince and royal princess Agnes, let alone Kylo. As if h... JayJay (I'm back!)

    Not to mention he is only always thinking about himself and only snapped out of it when their was a life threatening situation, that's a shitty excuse if you asked me and suddenly out of nowhere he develops feelings for her? Excuse meh? Shes been their, ignored her own feelings and own mothers death for you... And saved your life too??? And what she was annoying... Well guess what your annoying too and ain't no one gonna convince me to like him.

    JayJay (I'm back!) September 14, 2024 11:03 pm
    Not to mention he is only always thinking about himself and only snapped out of it when their was a life threatening situation, that's a shitty excuse if you asked me and suddenly out of nowhere he develops fee... Mayonaise_Chicken

    Yeah, I've hated himto the core since chapter 8. Agnes had just had a brush with death after being attacked by a monster, and all that azzwipe thought to do was avoid giving any comfort and hide the fact that he had come to her rescue, by belittling her and lecturing for a completely separate issue that had nothing to do with what had just happened, of all things. I would have thought he was just being insensitive in order to discourage a stalker, but immediately after, he was trying to even rile up her own brother against her, trying to meddle in her brother's decisions about her future, and going so far as to call her a stain on the royal family! That's when I realized, this guy isn't just defending himself, acting out of rightful anger against a stalker, rather he's treating her like a scapegoat and a punching bag, even trying to put her own brother against her!! The flashbacks about him using her as a scapegoat for his mother's misery only served to further convince me he was an azzwipe who took for granted how he was always being pampered and given special treatment by both royal siblings, enjoying the authority and public notoriety it gave him, and repaying it with azz self-entitlement.

    Domosama September 15, 2024 5:05 am
    Raymond's so annoyingly entitled and self-vitimizing, always preaching and lecturing anyone like the world owes him something, he even lectures the crown prince and royal princess Agnes, let alone Kylo. As if h... JayJay (I'm back!)

    I'm very agree with this.

    Mayonaise_Chicken September 15, 2024 7:48 am
    Yeah, I've hated himto the core since chapter 8. Agnes had just had a brush with death after being attacked by a monster, and all that azzwipe thought to do was avoid giving any comfort and hide the fact that h... JayJay (I'm back!)

    All of this is exactly what I was thinking!! He is a narcissist and needs to step away from the main character role cause it's getting to his head, everyone is going through one thing and then to get this one guy making up something else in his head like the whole world did him wrong

    A Random Reader Passerby :> September 15, 2024 3:40 pm
    Raymond's so annoyingly entitled and self-vitimizing, always preaching and lecturing anyone like the world owes him something, he even lectures the crown prince and royal princess Agnes, let alone Kylo. As if h... JayJay (I'm back!)

    His name is not even that interesting. That blond guy should be with someone else. He only needed the princess as a sibling ,.y didn't he say so?. I think he shouldn't expect for the princess to come for him. He better start courting other lady like the og female lead the brown haired one since they kind of you know looked better together.

    Mayonaise_Chicken September 15, 2024 7:13 pm
    His name is not even that interesting. That blond guy should be with someone else. He only needed the princess as a sibling ,.y didn't he say so?. I think he shouldn't expect for the princess to come for him. H... A Random Reader Passerby :>

    He is seriously gonna start being annoying if he starts going after her