solid B+, maybe low A-

pikachu September 14, 2024 5:38 pm

i enjoyed this for the most part! i do agree with some other readers who say their relationship felt rushed at the beginning (kiumi suddenly falling in love with shizume and them just becoming a couple out of the blue) but i genuinely found them cute together that i gave it a pass. and while i do get some reader’s frustrations about shizume’s attitude, i believe actions speak louder than words for some people and he’s one of them. would it be nice to see him say “i love you”, absolutely but as someone who was in a relationship with someone who’s love language were moreso actions, i can very clearly see he loves kiumi and he shows it in his own way (im also gonna cut him some slack about the whole hiding relationship thing as well because while it may seem mean, some people are just closeted like that unfortunately)

now for the…. iffy stuff.

hated the scene with koh. and i hated it even more how the author seemed to brush it off like it was nothing, i really don’t care if he apologized, the way the two forgave him so easily put me off so badly. and the extra where kiumi turned into a child? very weird the one with shizume was cute then it just took a weird turn with kiumi’s part, huge ick

anyways, I give it a B+, would have been at least an A had the rape and extra been taken out (or at least handled better)
