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VirotiNeis792 September 14, 2024 5:23 pm

Was the wolf humping MC scene, really necessary? Like what does it need to symbolize? Is it some kind of twisted art interpretation? My mind is just wondering all sorts of possible explanation from what kind of thoughts this kind of scene stemmed from, it couldve been a faceless rando, but nah lets do wolf with a manhwa-sized dick

    egojn September 16, 2024 11:11 am

    Did I block that out of my memory bc I literally don't remember that omfg

    pennyinheaven September 16, 2024 1:48 pm

    It's because MJ's story, coupled with the intense desire MJ was showing to Doh.

    Dee September 16, 2024 4:21 pm
    Did I block that out of my memory bc I literally don't remember that omfg egojn

    Same, when the hell did that happen?!?!?

    lostikins September 17, 2024 6:23 am

    It was a psychological reaction from being nearly raped by a man twice his size and the story he heard about the dog.

    I have fucked dreams about creatures with hundreds of hands molesting me 'cause of my childhood trauma when I'm put under a lot of stress.

    It's the mind's fucked up way of dealing and processing shit, unfortunately. It's like how it's common for people to have nightmares about their teeth falling out when stressed. The brain is a fucked up lil guy that loves showing us horrors beyond our comprehension while asleep.