
I'm sorry I don't sexualize someone whose in a swimsuit. The artist never once zoomed in on it or made it a whole thing. The funniest part is at my new job I have a coworker whose almost this exact body shape(does not have dwarfism) and is 10 years older then me and has a kid. I literally thought she was 15. Should I call her husband weird? These are fictional characters at the end of the day. Maybe stick with your problematic yaoi instead of "problematic" straight comics lol
it's fascinating how artists who are obviously into lolicon just LOVE featuring an MC who's so defensive about their preferences that they gotta argue it every other chapter for cheap laughs. then after all that set-up of "i dOnT lIkE kIdS tHiS iS a mIsUnDeRsTaNdInH uwu" the artist turns around and literally puts their whole bussy into ignoring plotholes & making all of them have a thing for their MC