Hey Hun, I used to see your comments all over the place, now I don't see them at all. Hop...

2d2la March 25, 2017 8:35 am

Hey Hun,

I used to see your comments all over the place, now I don't see them at all. Hope everything's fine.

All the best (⌒▽⌒)

    I Thot You Was a Toad March 25, 2017 4:45 pm

    Hello! What a lovely comment. Last winter, I switched from having ample time to read and enjoy manga, to having almost no spare time at all. Responsibility ... the bane of guilty pleasures.

    On the subject of comments, I also think I had flared into "comments too much" mode. I get too passionate about things, which makes for silly overstatements. I really needed to lighten up. I was starting to verbally punch people I liked and respected, just out of a hotheaded need to defend my point of view. But I'm glad I was noticed ... Thanks!

    2d2la March 27, 2017 10:25 am
    Hello! What a lovely comment. Last winter, I switched from having ample time to read and enjoy manga, to having almost no spare time at all. Responsibility ... the bane of guilty pleasures. On the subject of co... I Thot You Was a Toad

    Ahh, I understand. I'm at that point too. I was sick for a pretty long time but now that I've recovered, I'm starting to get back into work. Only problem is I'm not all that good with self-discipline any more. What is worse is that I'm self-employed so if I can't manage myself I'm screwed. It's gotten to the point that I've asked someone to step in and take my laptop/PS4/PSP/Phone away from me to ensure I make my deadlines. Looks like it may come to that too since I'm already back on Manga Go.....But you've served as a gentle reminder (and a tug on my guilty conscience) so after I write this I'm going to stay away and be responsible, fingers crossed. Habits, they can be quite scary and crippling.

    As for the comments, I haven't seen any of the type that you were talking about. I actually enjoyed the ones I read which is why I missed them when they were gone. Good on you for noticing you were going a bit overboard though. Most people don't or if they do, they won't face/own it since they're afraid of admitting that they're in the wrong. In regards to your passion, I wish I could take a little bit of it. I'm way too apathetic about things.

    Glad to know that you're healthy and doing well.

    All the best to you and much love your way.

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