He’s always going to be straight

Krissy September 14, 2024 12:59 am

At the end of the day Chanil is still very much straight. I just don’t understand why that is Skylar breaking point.

    syviirx September 14, 2024 4:10 am

    Well since skylar has nvr seen chan-il w a girlfriend/it's nvr blatantly said it's nvr far fetched to have hope someone is queer. Kinda like a 'don't judge a book by it's cover ordeal' ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Krissy September 14, 2024 11:32 am
    Well since skylar has nvr seen chan-il w a girlfriend/it's nvr blatantly said it's nvr far fetched to have hope someone is queer. Kinda like a 'don't judge a book by it's cover ordeal' ヾ(☆▽☆) syviirx

    He has and that’s why he’s mad, because Cirrus introduced them.

    syviirx September 14, 2024 11:48 am
    He has and that’s why he’s mad, because Cirrus introduced them. Krissy

    I mean before ri-in. Also he could still be queer, having a girlfriend as a boy does NOT automatically mean you're straight!/nm(▰˘◡˘▰)

    winter September 14, 2024 12:32 pm

    Thats what i was saying cause bro
    The way i think it is
    If chan-il really liked skylar that way he would've not gotten with her
    Or even yet be like them people that have a gf but they actually try to pursue the person they actually “like” while being with his gf. ( which is bad yall dont do that) either way
    HE NEVER DID so its like
    What made skylar believe that chan- il would’ve liked him like that?? Like what made u think you had a chance???

    Krissy September 14, 2024 2:51 pm
    Thats what i was saying cause bro The way i think it is If chan-il really liked skylar that way he would've not gotten with her Or even yet be like them people that have a gf but they actually try to pursue th... winter

    It comes across like Skylar likes Chan-il and settled for Cirrus.

    Meanwhile, Chan-il really likes Ri-in and is currently pissed because he believes that she has a secret relationship with Cirrus. (I still think that they’re related.)

    All this while Cirrus is obsessively in love with Skylar and has been doing anything to get and keep him by his side. Which sadly included setting up his friends so that his crush would stop obsessing over them.

    When you think about it setting up 2 of your close friends isn’t a crime. Just it was underhanded and done in ill intent, but Skylar’s reaction makes me believe that he really never liked Cirrus in a romantic way so I can see why that would cause Cirrus to lose it.

    syviirx September 14, 2024 6:46 pm
    Thats what i was saying cause bro The way i think it is If chan-il really liked skylar that way he would've not gotten with her Or even yet be like them people that have a gf but they actually try to pursue th... winter

    I don't think ur fully understanding what I'm trying to say. It's not that fact of IF chan-il liked skylar it's the fact of if chan-il is queer, which is a different conversation. Not to mention, correct me if I'm wrong, skylar didn't even think chan-il had feelings for him? You'd probably raise the point of "then why did he get so upset when he found out chan-il and ri-in are dating?" TO that I say: skylar not seeing chan-il w anyone can still give hope, even if everyone knows it's nvr going to happen. Skylar had to see for himself that chan-il likes another person, getting rid of all the 'maybes' and 'ifs'. Even then you can have a girlfriend and still be queer./lh/nm ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    syviirx September 14, 2024 7:00 pm
    It comes across like Skylar likes Chan-il and settled for Cirrus. Meanwhile, Chan-il really likes Ri-in and is currently pissed because he believes that she has a secret relationship with Cirrus. (I still thin... Krissy

    Skylar did not have feelings for cirrus when they went to that amusement park! It's also speculated that skylar doesn't even REALLY like chan-il. Chan-il is rlly js a coping mechanism for skylar. I forgot what chapter but it highlights n supports this idea. When skylar sees that chan-il is not 'interested in' or on surface level not queer, it reminds skylar of minwoo. Skylar wanted minwoo to like him back, skylar used chan-il as a coping mechanism/saw minwoo in chan-il, skylar wants chan-il to him, skylar sees chan-il w someone else, now skylar doesn't have something to cling onto, breaking his coping mechanism. (I hope that part makes sense) as for the recent chapters (116+117) skylar felt like cirrus' love was a lie, a ploy. It's as simple as that. Skylar wouldn't be so hurt if he nvr rlly liked cirrus. Even from the beginning skylar thought(and was) used by cirrus. It's more than reasonable that he'd react that way.

    syviirx September 14, 2024 7:00 pm
    Skylar did not have feelings for cirrus when they went to that amusement park! It's also speculated that skylar doesn't even REALLY like chan-il. Chan-il is rlly js a coping mechanism for skylar. I forgot what ... syviirx

    ^/lh/nm ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶