To be honest i dont really care if yeowoo accepts it or not cause they both cheated and fa...

Shiromi September 14, 2024 12:42 am

To be honest i dont really care if yeowoo accepts it or not cause they both cheated and fall out of love on one another so its not really a good relationship also. But i wanna see what the baby looks like when its born so please give me a happy ending ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    punpurin September 14, 2024 1:49 am

    i'm so sick of yall saying what the alpha and beta did was the same *sigh* i can't believe people like yall really exist. i hope when u get in a relationship, the same thing happens to u. even the trashy alpha admitted he was in the wrong. yk what that makes u? worse than trash

    LilTuna September 14, 2024 5:38 am
    i'm so sick of yall saying what the alpha and beta did was the same *sigh* i can't believe people like yall really exist. i hope when u get in a relationship, the same thing happens to u. even the trashy alpha ... punpurin

    But yeonwoo literally cheated on him too without knowing he was already cheating..? So they did do the same thing to each other -
    I mean not that that makes it right; it’s literally a fake drama for our entertainment but still.

    Shiromi September 14, 2024 11:39 pm
    i'm so sick of yall saying what the alpha and beta did was the same *sigh* i can't believe people like yall really exist. i hope when u get in a relationship, the same thing happens to u. even the trashy alpha ... punpurin

    Your not denying it though? And i didnt say anything about him being a beta or alpha the fact is the cheated on one another and why the heck you bringing my personal life in this? We're all just giving our own opinions dude nobody care what you like or hate cause its just opinions not everyone is the same so you dont get to judge anyone here (︶︿︶)=凸

    Shiromi September 16, 2024 1:00 pm

    Go cry about it then. I have my own opinions and i know very well that not all of them agrees but thats just opinions nothing more and also why the fuck you bringing my personal life in this? Be more open minded dude not all people think alike we all like and hate different things thats why i never judge their comments all i do is read all the stories i like and i dont judge for i know that i dont have talent in drawing but i have talent in writing and you also cant deny the fact that they both cheated and fell out of love. Its their story not yours so dont think you have any right to judge (︶︿︶)=凸

    punpurin September 16, 2024 2:38 pm
    Go cry about it then. I have my own opinions and i know very well that not all of them agrees but thats just opinions nothing more and also why the fuck you bringing my personal life in this? Be more open minde... Shiromi

    i actually can deny the cheating thing cause it's not as black and white as u say. but whatever if u get to call me close minded cause i don't support infedility between someone and their partner's parent, i'll call u shallow and leave it at that.

    Shiromi September 16, 2024 2:56 pm
    i actually can deny the cheating thing cause it's not as black and white as u say. but whatever if u get to call me close minded cause i don't support infedility between someone and their partner's parent, i'll... punpurin

    Never said what he did was good either bro just stating facts and i dont like it when random people bring up personal life in a conversation about opinions on a manga, book, or novel i just think its unprofessional and also the plot isnt even my favorite part their just cute thats why im still reading it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    punpurin September 16, 2024 4:37 pm
    Never said what he did was good either bro just stating facts and i dont like it when random people bring up personal life in a conversation about opinions on a manga, book, or novel i just think its unprofessi... Shiromi

    you see the "never said what he did was good" and the "They're just cute" is what get's me but whatever honestly i just hope ur not this kinda person irl

    Shiromi September 18, 2024 5:01 am
    you see the "never said what he did was good" and the "They're just cute" is what get's me but whatever honestly i just hope ur not this kinda person irl punpurin

    Again with this people my gosh dont you know the meaning of opinion? It is just opinions not all people think alike and not all people like the same things you guys can talk shit but again i wouldnt care cause its just opinions and we are talking about a story not my life not yours be, professional we're all just reading the same thing but have different opinions. What? You think everyone would agree because its your opinion? No even in real life all we do is judge about others just by looking at them and its the same with stories. Not all stories are liked by others. Unless you are the author you wont truly know the meaning of the story because it wasnt written by you. I would never and i mean NEVER discriminate anyone i dont know. I can judge but those are my thoughts to keep. Opinions are what we're talking about but then you keep pushing it to my personal life how bout i make fun of your life aswell huh? Saying my personality is shitty but you dont even know me. Look in a mirror first before judging others, cause no one is perfect