I don’t usually comment or right a comment infact i am a silent reader for almost a year...

[email protected] September 13, 2024 10:07 pm

I don’t usually comment or right a comment infact i am a silent reader for almost a year now, however this particular story caught my attention first of all i do not wish to attack the author and i am still in chapter 40

However all the characters are just so bland, like so bland the main character is a abit of a yes guy, bcs he never ask a question or clarify things if the seme come up to him he just opens himself, which is not a good sign bcs that just means the uke is prone to insecurity and that leads to jealousy and it become toxic, the uke yes he gives boundaries by saying “they should need more time to get physical and also trust each other and whatnot” however he is the one who doesn’t honor his words, the uke didnt take time to make an effort to get to know the seme all i can see is just lust which is not right if you want a healthy relationship they really need to communicate.

And also the seme is just to unlikable no words for him his character is just to bland and he expect everything to be perfect to his needs and whatnot and i really dont like it yes he is respectful when having a make out session however he don’t communicate also he expect the whatever he do the uke will just going to accept it
