Prediction for Last Chapter

Colorless March 25, 2017 4:07 am

So several people have said that the next chapter will be the very last one. After going back and reading some of the chapters again from when they were in the Moritat, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a tragic one.

One thing that I think will be addressed is the recurring scene from the beginning where Jesse gets pushed off the cliff. Not only that, but Law kept having nightmares in the Moritat about Jesse getting badly injured because of him and I think this was referencing the cliff scene as well. I think this was a real event of sorts because Law's memories should not have been altered. However, nothing has been mentioned about it in the present day chapters, so I wonder if Law did something bad to Jesse in those five years he was gone and his true intention with the Moritat was to erase the memories of the pain Law caused him?

Second, I am almost positive that Law is going to die and there might be a chance that Jesse will as well. I think that Law spent 'years' in the Moritat living out what he wished he could have had with Jesse knowing full well that it was going to be the end for him. He mentions how if Jesse ever said he loved him he would die happily, asks if Jesse would mourn him for a day if he died, and "acts like an inmate on death row" in the final days of the Moritat. They "both know that the end is near" and when Jesse asks if they can descend the mountain together, Law replies that he wants to stop and is too tired to continue. I think he is aware of how crazy he has become and wants to be sane so badly but knows he can't be. Death is the humane end for him and his one request is to die with Jesse in his sight. However, at the very end Jesse feels the strong urge to end it there with him on the balcony which I think makes Jesse's potential death a toss-up. Now we find out that the series ends not even a day after the events in the Moritat where Law is living like his days are numbered.

I'll have my tissue box ready for the next chapter.

    Miwa March 25, 2017 4:39 am

    No one dies.

    Anonymous March 25, 2017 5:19 am

    You are misunderstanding the story. You are reading too deeply into it.

    SOL March 25, 2017 7:45 am
    No one dies. Miwa

    dont spoil.