What is Author doing?

ChickenButt September 13, 2024 3:33 pm

I am forever a SKYRUS team. I will defend Sky from the slander and Cirrus from the slander, not their actions but the constant hate on them and the lack of empathy from readers.

Chapter 117 versus. Chapter 87, where Cirrus had a falling out with his stepmother and strangled her I think, Skylar stopped him and Cirrus stopped, while in Ch 117 Skylar couldn't stop him and was hit. OH IT IS GOING DOWNHILL.

Based off raws, after the argument and Skylar left to head home, Cirrus went home too and he called Skylar all night till morning (7AM). He probably thought it was the end of their relationship because Skylar wouldn’t pick up. It’s somewhat similar to the time he tried to call his nanny but didn’t get an answer.

I think Sky’s phone was off. Cirrus went to school, looking cuckoo. He saw how Sky was just acting like nothing happened, while he felt that only himself was being irrational and not calm.

He lost it. He also fought the fatty and Skylar came in the middle, pulling him back. But Cirrus was so angry that he hit Skylar in the face, causing Skylar’s nose to bleed. Skylar seemed shocked.

From how I saw it, I guess Cirrus was pissed that he was ignored and seeing Skylar interrupt his fight pissed him off even more. He’s like: “You’re the one who ended things, now you want to barge in and stop me?”

Or simply he was blinded by anger and didn’t think before hitting Skylar.

I can see why readers at mad at Skylar, but I don’t agree that he deserved the hit, he was mad for a reason and has the right to ignore if he needs space. I also don’t hate on Cirrus for hitting Skylar’s face, I’m sure it was out of anger and their fights cancel out…

We don’t know the fully translated context so we gotta wait as Author feeds us angst after angst. We need to start a riot for real cause what is author doing to us!

Skylar and Cirrus deserves happiness. Aim so sad.
