
ChickenButt September 13, 2024 3:05 pm

Double Edit: Okay some readers who read raw are saying Cirrus had been calling Skylar until 7 in the morning after their argument, wanting to talk. And then he sees Skylar acting like nothing happened. I guess that’s when Cirrus lost it and his anger boiled.

Edit: Jusr saw the scenes where Cirrus in latest chapter raw, he was beating the fat ass’s ass and ended up hitting Skylar in the face while Skylar tried to stop him. I’m actually shocked he did that to Sky, but I’d be a hypocrite if I called him a villain cause Sky did the same before by beating Cirrus until bloodied. Both did it out of anger, it cancels out! Hear me? All they need is to talk, and I hope Cirrus apologizes cause Sky looked shocked that he was even hit.

To those saying Sky deserved it, be so for real. I personally don’t like the violence on violence. This isn’t some payback, Cirrus did it while blinded by anger as he was beating the fatty.

I don’t agree that Skylar deserved it. Yes he did beat Cirrus, but that was out of anger but I don’t justify it either. And here, Cirrus hit Skylar but I don’t justify it either, nor will I cancel him over that.

Someone said this and I agree: Cirrus is worse than Skylar. It could also be because their childhood is quite different. Of course Skylar’s parents weren’t too great, but they did care. And Cirrus grew up with dysfunctional family, seeing new women with his father almost every month, being treated badly.

Skylar isn’t the villain. Cirrus isn’t either. We can fault them for their mistakes, but I still think they’re redeemable and I hope things get better.

It is vague or just not it for me to just solely blame it all on Cirrus, same for Sky. I mean we all know Skylar didn’t react for no reason, he’s not the type to. I do agree that Cirrus has provoked Sky though, and thus leading to Sky’s reactions. I also think Sky’s reactions (beating, using trauma) is too far, but I know it’s valid. I’d probably do the same.

As much as some don’t wanna admit, they went into a relationship too early. They literally skipped the friendship stage, in my opinion.

Skylar wanted to hide their relationship, Cirrus felt that he wasn’t loved or something and felt Sky was distant, leading to more of his insecurities opening up or just worsening.

As much as I did dislike what Sky said, he isn’t too wrong when he said: How can you love when you grew up without it?

I do think it was harsh, but it was kinda true. Not that Cirrus isn’t capable of love, but he STRUGGLES to love. Of course things like this will happen when being provoked a lot or specifically here, lied to right in the face. I know Cirrus was scared to lose what they have, so wrong timing, but he really should’ve come clear before they even dated.

But they both rushed into things. I can’t say both are evil, they’re struggling. I can only hope for the best, even if it means they may not end up together. Healing over dating at the moment, is my priority.
