I am so happy they didn't do anything unnecessary with this, like a few times where I thou...

Mayonaise_Chicken September 13, 2024 9:16 am

I am so happy they didn't do anything unnecessary with this, like a few times where I thought they were gonna add a knew unnecessary chapter when they could've done it in one whole chapter they didn't and I was so relieved for example I thought the guy wouldn't die, I was like he is for sure alive right now, double stab him Judith!!! And than the confession... Now their was a misunderstanding but they solved it so fast I expected them to start dating at the end of his whole thing. I am so happy they kept it perfect and realistic if that makes sense like no unnecessary things happening
Gosh but I feel so bad for the royal family, they were so close... If only the king didn't have an affair, they were true siblings who never cared about the crown and the oldest sister Olga was a gem, but she is partly to blame for her siblings demise because everyone relied on her and her judgement than she suddenly disappeared, and princesses isaphina is the worst victim in all of this, poor girl really suffered. I hated the king anyways it's good that he died. I think I would really love it if Olga became the new empress, because she is just a wise and hopefully she doesn't abandon her duties, or maybe the last prince who was the only one who ever truly cared about anything and he stood up first at the council meeting those two are great. I do also feel bad for the glasses prince, he was also put into peer pressure and his father hated him for absolutely no reason, he tried his best and at firsts didn't even play dirty, he worked hard and if he were still alive or if he hadn't did what he did with his fiance he would've also made a great emperor.. he seems less toxic. But definitely not the first prince even before the manipulation he looked like a complete asshole, we saw signs when he abandoned the brother he grew up with and showed an unsightly obsession with Callipe and if it was this easy for him to crack and lose his mind when his other siblings are all very DEMURE that means he was never fit to rule. Isaphina was tortured mentally so she doesn't count but she would've grew up very well. Anyways I feel sorry for all the siblings accept for the first prince and that bitch of a guy the black knight... I loved the words she was throwing at him but j wish she could've thrown a bit more hands... But other than that I am sooo happy he is finally dead and they didn't drag it on!
