the uke is an idol, he has a career where any scandal can bring him to his downfall same goes with all the others members. From the very beginning even before he was the seme fuck buddy he was being threatened and forced to do stuff he didn't want to do, he's not doing that to “only protect the seme” it’s something else that isn't revealed yet. (on the picture it may show the seme face but they dont know its the uke who's next to him if they find out it is the uke in the photo then that can jeopardize the whole groups image.)

If you paid attention I never said it was because of that, but that it could be a reason. I'm saying I understand the risks. And still saying he's dumb as a box of rocks and has no backbone. I just don't find it enjoyable to read such a weak person getting picked on and just taking it like he is. I didn't mind when it looked like the seme could help him get better but he didn't, so I'm frustrated.
I'm not even mad, the uke is so fucking weak and stupid he deserves it. Yeah yeah I'm victim blaming, because by this point he's not only an adult but he could have spoken up and gotten help instead of giving up on his crush. Even if it's "we have a picture of (seme) and you" and he's doing it to protect the seme, he's still too painfully stupid and weak. Seme is crap for quickly assuming too. I'm so mad at this story!!