The translations are a bit... I can't comprehend what's going on

Pink metalstraw September 12, 2024 6:35 pm

The translations are a bit... I can't comprehend what's going on

    Insertbratwurst September 13, 2024 11:58 am

    Yeah but I didn’t have a problem until this last chapter. Is it the same uploader? Different translator maybe? With how the pronouns were so off it felt like a machine translation.

    Pink metalstraw September 13, 2024 3:41 pm
    Yeah but I didn’t have a problem until this last chapter. Is it the same uploader? Different translator maybe? With how the pronouns were so off it felt like a machine translation. Insertbratwurst

    Yea exactly that. The last few chapters are grinding against my brain bro. It was so good up until that point

    Yami September 13, 2024 11:12 pm

    Chapter 55 until 61 is probably done by a different translator, seeing as there is no credit page. They mentioned in chapter 61 that it's their last translation. Chapter 62 has a different translator, they even have a credit page mentioning their name and that it's their first time translating using mtl.